Chapter 25: The End?

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~Time Skip to One Week Later~

Troye POV

Tyler and I had been having our regular meetings every morning for the past week and it was absolutely amazing. Nothing compared to spending those few minutes each day with him in my arms. It was one of the main things that got me to wake up in the morning, just the anticipation of seeing his face and finally having him all to myself made me smile. It wasn't much but I didn't need to be with Tyler 24/7, sure I would like to be but those few minutes made me cherish every second I had with him. I loved everything about them and I wouldn't change what we have for anything.

I looked at the clock and waited anxiously for the time to pass quicker. At 8:13 I heard the footsteps of someone and looked up, greeting my beautiful boyfriend with a smile.

"Morning babe." He said in his perfect morning voice as he strolled into the living room. I loved seeing him in the morning with his unstyled hair and no glasses on, he could take any look and work it. He was stunning and I honestly could look at him for ages and never get tired of it.

"Hiya Tilly, how'd you sleep?" I said as he came and plopped down on the couch in the empty spot next to me.

"Not to good Troye boy, it's hard to sleep when I'm up thinking about you."

"Shut up you sappy loser." Sometimes I really hated him and his cute compliments that gave me butterflies.

He adjusted his position so that he was lying on my chest. I ran my fingers through his soft hair, I remember the first time I tried to touch it and he almost bit my finger off.

"Babe I missed you."

"Tilly you saw me last night."

"Yeah, but I couldn't do this last night."

He leaned his head up and slowly connected our lips, grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me closer to him. I wrapped one of my hands around his waist and I kept the other in his hair, gently tugging at it. Our lips moved together slowly at first but began to quicken as the kiss became more passionate. I gripped the small of his back and pulled him even closer to me. Our chests were touching and I could feel his cold hands tugging at my shirt.

I pulled away slowly and stared him in the eyes. I began to bite down on my bottom lip, it drove him crazy whenever I did this so I might as well have some fun with him. Instantly I felt his hands cup my face and our lips were connected again. It wasn't as passionate this time, but I still felt the sparks running through my body. Our lips were still moving together and we were both getting lazy and running out of breath but I didn't care.

Soon our lips separated and I caught a glance of Tyler's eyes for just a split second, but I still felt the warmth that his gaze gave me every time I stared into his eyes. Suddenly Tyler adjusted his position so now instead of looking at me he was facing the wall. He sat up straight and rested his elbow on the shoulder of the couch, moving away from me and taking his warmth with him.

He looked deep in thought, it was like he was in a trace and had forgotten about everything. I scooted closer to him and intertwined our hands. I rested my head on his shoulder right where his neck curved into his shoulder. My head fit perfectly there, it was like we were two puzzle pieces, everything about us just clicked and once we were together we were inseparable.

Tyler still looked at the wall, not even reacting when I touched him, something must be bothering him. It's not like him to just sit there gazing into the distance without acknowledging me.

"Tilly, are you okay?"

Instead of responding he just sat there, still engulfed in whatever was consuming his thoughts. Something must really be upsetting him, I had never seen him like this before. Just as I opened my mouth to say something I heard his shaky voice say something I hoped I would never hear.

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