Chapter 22: Our Story

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Tyler POV

I woke up a lot earlier than usual the next morning. It wasn't even 10 and I was fully rested. That was the best night of sleep I had ever gotten in my entire life. I rolled over to greet the perfect boy sleeping next to me but when I saw him he wasn't who I was expecting. It was Marcus. I got out of bed and went to make myself some breakfast. The sooner I got out of that room the better. Marcus and I had a lot of history but that's all it was, history. I wasn't looking for anything serious and neither was he.

I walked out of my bedroom into the kitchen and I saw something on my couch. It was probably Joe or Caspar considering their room was full. I walked out into the room to see who was on the couch and was surprised when I saw Troye curled up in a ball surrounded by blankets.

I crouched down next to him and lightly tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, hey Troye. Wake up."

He opened his eyes and I could tell he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. He had dark circles around them and they were bloodshot.

"Hi Tilly." He mumbled while he rubbed his eyes and he looked absolutely adorable. He could honestly make anything look adorable.

"Troye why are you on the couch?"

"I just had a bad dream so I came out here to sleep instead." I felt terrible when Troye got nightmares. I never wanted him to be scared, and I felt even worse that I wasn't there to help him.

"What was it about?"

" was stupid."

"Troye you can tell me. You can tell me anything and I'll always listen."

"I just dreamt that you left me for someone else..." he looked down and almost started to cry again ad he said this.

"Troye, look at me. I will never leave you. You are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, I wouldn't trade this for the world. Every time you say my name my heart races and I get butterflies. Every time I look at you I fall in love with you all over again. Every time you touch me sparks run through my body and I get this feeling that I can't describe. I could never love another person Troye, you will always be the love of my life. Without you my life isn't complete, without you I don't want to be alive. I could never lose you Troye, you mean the world to me. You are my entire world, every second of every day I'm thinking about you. I count down the seconds until I can call you mine again. I love you more than anything Troye."

"Tilly I love you so much. Thank you, I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone like you but I'm so thankful that I can call you mine." He has never smiled like this before, I just want to keep this smile on his face for the rest of his life.


"Forever. I love you dainty little princess."

"I love you too my prince charming."

Suddenly I got an idea. "Go get your letters."

"Why? You told me to read them every night."

"I want you to read them every morning when I'm sitting right next to you. Every day I'm going to get up earlier and we're going to be together, it may not be much but I need you in my life TroyeSivan and without you my life would be pointless."

"Okay I'll get them in a second I just have to ask you something really quick."

"Go for it babe"

"Why me? You could have anyone in the whole entire world, why waste your time on me?" He looked down after he said this, it was like he expected me to say something about how I didn't really love him and wanted to leave him.

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