Chapter 30: Back To Perth

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Troye POV

I stared through the transparent glass, the large light posts on the side of the pavement illuminating the outline of the tree branches. The cold air was creeping in and the trees were beginning to lose their leaves, the once beautiful array of color turned to nothing. The trees were dying, and now all you saw on the outside was a barren waste. That's how my relationship had turned out. It used to be beautiful; full of color and life, but now it was dead; lifeless and forgotten.

Stupid life. Why do the best things always come to an end? I knew deep down that when we said forever we didn't really mean it, it was too big of a promise to keep. I knew this would eventually come to an end, but I never thought it would end so soon. I didn't think that I would only have a few short weeks, and although they were the happiest weeks of my life I still wish I had more time.

"Sir, where exactly do you want me to take you?" My Uber driver spoke up. In all honesty I had no idea where I was going. I'm in LA alone, with an almost dead phone, $20, and in a bathing suit in the middle of November.

"Can I get to the airport with $20?" That seemed like a good start, Tyler said it himself. He didn't need me here. I was better off just going back to Perth, maybe then I'll finally be able to forget about him. Maybe if I run away from him it will be like he never existed and if I pretend like he never meant anything to me one day I'll actually believe it.

"I'm afraid not."

"Well then can you just take me as far away as you can?" I needed to leave, LA didn't have anything for me anymore.

The driver nodded at me and slowly began to turn onto the highway. The skies opened and rain poured down from the clouds. I watched the small droplets of water fall down the window and then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. It looked as if the rain was falling down my face too. I reached one of my fingers up to my cheek and felt the familiar wet trails flowing down my face. Why did I always end up like this? I'm sure Tyler is fine right now, he's probably making jokes with Marcus and having a perfect night, meanwhile I'm here crying trying to figure out what I should do with my pathetic life. All I ever wanted was Tyler, and now I'll never have him again. He doesn't even want me near him, how can I ever feel his warm hugs if he doesn't want me near him? How will I stare into his eyes and get lost in their beauty if he doesn't want me near him? How will I ever forget his beautiful face that I'll only see in my dreams from now on?

"Tough breakup?" The driver asked suddenly.

"How'd you know?"

"I've seen too many broken hearts sitting in that same seat you're sitting in. If I can give you any advice it would just be to ignore the saying "if you love something set it free, and if it comes back its yours to keep, if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be" because people don't come back. If you really love them then you go fight for them."

"Then can you take me to the apartment complex on West Boulevard? I have someone I need to fight for."

I was going to fight for Tyler whether he wanted me or not, it can't end like this. Our forever wasn't over yet. Tyler may hate me and not want anything to do with me but I wasn't going to give up on us. I can't just let him walk out of my life like that and not do anything about it.

11 miles and $20 later the car pulled up in front of the familiar building. Nearly all of the lights were turned off and there was nobody in sight. I walked towards the building, the rain still falling heavily and as I reached the door I felt my heart start to race. I slowly touched the door knob and using all the strength I had left I opened the door. A small crack of light shined through the small opening I had created and once I pushed the door open completely I stared into the empty lobby. The silence was overbearing as I made my way to the elevator, too distracted by my own thoughts to realize my surroundings.

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