Chapter 23: Everlasting

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Troye POV

The curtains were opened slightly and small beams of light were pouring into the room. The way the light hit Tyler's face gave him an angelic glow. His eyes sparkled like the ocean on a summer day, the crystal clear blue was mesmerizing. I grazed his cheek with my fingertips. My fingers trailed down his jaw line until they reached his chin. I tilted his head up so he was looking me in the eyes. I inched closer to his face, and as I got closer to him my heart started to race.

Right when I was in front of his face and I could almost feel his breath. My eyes started to roam to the curl of his perfect lips. The room was silent and my mind was racing, everything was in slow motion. I didn't care about the rules, I just needed to trust the lust. I closed my eyes and in total darkness I reached out and touched my lips to his.

It was like two pieces of a puzzle that fit together perfectly when our lips connected. My hands were moving steady through his hair as he deepened the kiss. It was like we were surrounded by a storm of emotions, love, lust, amazement, and passion filled the room and we were in the center. It was only us, nothing else mattered. I had never felt more free, all of my fears and doubts were cut loose and I was just living. I didn't need answers about what was going to happen in the future, I just needed to take a chance and be with Tyler. I felt a small, cold hand slide underneath my shirt and trace down my spine, sending chills throughout my body. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me.

Suddenly a door started to open and Tyler jumped back, taking the warmth that he made me feel with him. I wasn't mad at Tyler for moving away, I knew he had to. After all to everyone else we were just friends, and friends don't usually have heated make out sessions at 8:47 in the morning. I was mad at the person who decided to interrupt my time with Tyler. I looked up to see who it was and my eyes met none other than Marcus Butler standing in the doorway without a care in the world. I wish he saw us kissing, I wanted to show him that Tyler picked me over him.

I don't know why I'm so jealous of Marcus, I know him and Tyler have a lot of history and I didn't think they had anything serious, but just every time Tyler looked at him or laughed at one of his jokes I got this feeling in my stomach and something inside of me just snapped.

"Tyler, can we talk now?"

Who the fuck did he think he was? He could just waltz in here and take my Tyler away from me because he needed to "talk". No way in hell was that happening, I don't know what Marcus wanted but I was pretty sure that talking wasn't the only thing he was planning on doing with his lips.

Before Tyler could respond to his question I said to him, "Why don't you join us Marcus, we can all have a lovely chat." I could hear the envy and rudeness in my voice but I didn't care. Even if I couldn't exactly tell him that Tyler was mine I wanted to make it clear that he needed to stay away.

"Well actually I wanted to talk to Tyler alone. It's grown up stuff, a kid like you wouldn't understand." He smirked at me, he knew I saw him that night with Tyler. That night when Tyler said I was just a kid. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up and my eyes were filled with tears. I hated the memory of that night, every time I thought of it all of the pain Tyler caused me came flooding back.

"If you have anything to say to me you can say it in front of Troye, and if you ever call him a kid again you can find yourself someone else to stay with." Tyler glared at Marcus. Marcus just stared at him in disbelief and I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from laughing. I loved this boy more than anything, I had never seen protective Tyler before but now that I did I was obsessed.

"Uhm I guess we can just talk later then." And with that Marcus walked out of the room.

I was about to thank Tyler but Joe and Caspar came running into the room.

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