Chapter 27: Revenge

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Tyler POV

Marcus didn't come back after his argument with Troye, and nobody seemed to care. It was like he was never even there to begin with. I couldn't help but feel bad for him, sure he had been acting like a jerk but he was still our friend.

For the rest of the night everything was fine, we just hung out and had a great time. Troye was smiling and laughing and making jokes and I loved every second of his happiness, but it was just hard to think that his happiness was because Marcus was gone. Marcus was a huge part of my life, he was a great friend and was always there for me. He really wasn't a bad person, sure he had his moments where he said something he shouldn't, but we all do.

We started to pack up our bags and get ready to go back to my place for the night.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go get Marcus while you finish packing okay?"

I got nods from everyone except for Troye who was standing there with a look of horror on his face. I pulled him aside while everyone went to load something into the car.

"Babe don't worry. I'm just going to get him and I promise I'll be back in 10 minutes. You trust me right?"

"Of course I trust you. It's Marcus I don't trust."

"Nothing is going to happen. I love you, remember that." I stood up on my tip toes and pecked his cheek. With that I saw everyone start to come back to the beach so I turned away and started my search for Marcus.

He had been gone for almost 3 hours, he could be anywhere by now. I just hope he's okay, I don't know what I would do if anything happened to him. I took out my phone and dialed his number, a few seconds later I heard a phone ringing in the distance. I followed it until I reached a small cave with a lonely boy sitting there running his fingers through the sand.

The crunch of the sand beneath my feet was barley heard over his sobbing, tears streamed down his face and every once in a while he mumbled something. Seeing him like this broke my heart, he didn't deserve to be sitting alone in a cold dark cave crying while the rest of us had fun.

"Marcus?" I yelled out tentatively, I didn't want to scare him or make him mad. He looked up and our eyes met. I saw the redness take over his green eyes and the pale color in his face. He looked so broken, so afraid.

He stood up and ran over to me, engulfing me in one of his hugs. His strong arms wrapped around my back and he tightened his grip on my t shirt as he began to cry again. He was so much taller than me but he still rested his head on my shoulder as I rubbed small circles on his back.

After about 10 minutes of just standing there he finally began to stop crying. He backed away and sat on the sand.

"I'm so sorry." He barley croaked out.

"Marcus it's okay, don't worry. It's all going to be okay." I sat down next to him and draped one of my arms over his shoulder. He rested his head on my shoulder and began to sniffle a little bit.

"No it won't. I ruined everything, Troye probably hates me now and so does everyone else. You probably hate me too."

"Marcus I could never hate you. You're my best friend, you mean the world to me. You will always be my Marky Butt Butt and as far as Troye goes I'm sure he's over it. He has a horrible memory and by tomorrow everything will be back to normal." I had no idea if everything would be better, but the last thing you want to hear when your upset is how bad you messed up. It's just easier to tell a hopeful lie then risk hurting someone even more than necessary.

"I didn't mean it, I don't know why I said it. I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have said all those horrible things to him. I was just so angry."

"Marcus stop it, this isn't your fault. He said some nasty stuff to you too."

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