Chapter 54: Houses

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~1 Month Time Skip~

Troye POV

I opened my eyes slowly, letting the blinding lights pour into my eyes as I did. I groaned to myself, realizing I was still sitting in the same hospital bed I've been trapped in for the past month. As soon as my sleepy daze wore off the pain that was concealed by my lack of alertness resurfaced and I winced in agony. It's been a month but the pain still hasn't stopped, every time I move my muscles ache and every time I breathe I feel like I have shards of glass in my lungs.

I desperately clicked the button on the side of my bed that sent more morphine into my bloodstream to mask the pain, and within a few minutes the pain became bearable. I breathed slowly, calming down once I realized the pain was passing. I adjusted my position slightly, pushing myself up with my left hand because my right arm was still wrapped in a bulky cast.

I leaned back against the soft pillow behind my head and stared out the window, watching the wind blow through the leaves that were just starting to change color. I wanted to go outside more than anything, but the doctors seemed to be convinced that I was better off sitting in this bed bored out of my mind.

I don't know how much time passed as I looked out the window, just thinking about all the people living their lives walking around on those busy streets, but I was taken out of my thoughts when a nurse and my mom came to the door with bright, smiling faces. I forced a smile back for my mother, she was already stressed enough with having her son almost die 9,000 miles away and I knew my unhappiness would just worry her more than necessary.

"How you feeling Tok?" My mom said as she took my hand in hers, while her kind eyes stared down at me and instantly made me feel better.

"Pretty good, I'm in a little pain, but the morphine helps." I said with a small smile as I looked at my mother.

"Well that's good. We have some news Troye." The nurse said cheerfully and I internally rolled my eyes at how peppy she was. This is a hospital, not a carnival, the happy smiles and fake laughs really aren't necessary.

"Okay." I said, completely indifferent to whatever she had to say.

"Well the doctors and your parents have been talking and they have seen quite a lot of improvement in the past 4 weeks and we all feel like you're ready to go home." She said smiling and my mom's eyes filled with tears as the nurse said the last words.

"You're not kidding right?" I said; disbelief in my voice as I tried to process the thought of finally getting out of the hospital.

"Nope, you're all set to leave as soon as we get the paperwork sorted out." She said, and I finally understood why she was smiling so big. I found a smile of my own spread across my face, but this time it was genuine.

"Where's Tyler?" I asked immediately, I had only been able to see him for a few hours a day and finally I would be able to go home with him and not have to worry about visiting hours or homophobic doctors.

"He's taking care of some things right now but I told him to come meet us for dinner later." My mom said with a smile and I felt a little disappointed that I wouldn't get to see him until later, but I would deal with it.

My mom and I continued talking while the nurses taught us about the medicine, but I really didn't care about all of the chemical aspects of it. Red in the morning, blue after lunch, small green after blue, big green after dinner, 2 white at night. I had the schedule memorized after repeating it for a month and by now the routine was burned into my memory that I could repeat it in my sleep.

I heard a small knock at the door after the nurse began explaining the routine for the fourth time and I've never been so thankful for my little brother interrupting.

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