Chapter 28: Wishes Don't Come True

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Troye POV

The cool breeze blew through my hair and the hard metal of the car touching my skin sent chills through my body. The dim light of my phone shined in the dark night sky and the time was all I focused on. It was all I had been staring at for the past 45 minutes. I watched each minute tick by like my life depended on it. I tried to keep my mind off of Tyler but my subconscious thoughts always drifted back to him. He consumed every inch of my being. I unlocked my phone to reveal my background, a picture of a dandelion. I know, incredibly homosexual.

I studied that picture. The thin bristles that joined to form a perfect sphere of white, the long stem that reached the perfect green grass and the blue sky in the foreground of the photo. I remembered that day like it had just happened, I could still feel the warm rays of the sun shining on my pale skin. I could still hear the drip of the water coming from the waterfall. I could still smell the tree sap. I could recall every miniscule detail of that meadow. I could replay every millisecond of that afternoon. I dreamt about it, but I still feel like my dreams could never compare to how absolutely captivating that afternoon was.


We were walking through a nature preserve in Florida. Playlist live had just ended and I was flying back to Australia later that night, the entire weekend had been surreal. I had gotten the opportunity to meet my idols and not only say hi to them but to actually hang out with them.

Tyler and I had grown so close this weekend, it was like we had known each other our entire lives. Something about us just clicked. I was especially sad to leave him behind, it was so hard living on the other side of the world from the people you want nothing more than to be beside every second of every day.

"Troye why are we walking so far away from civilization, are you planning on kidnapping me or something?" Tyler asked me with the usual sassy sarcastic tone that always laced his voice.

"I kind of just need to talk to you. Alone." I was so nervous, I don't know why. I shouldn't be this nervous, I had it all worked out. I would just tell him and then we would be back to normal right? Just now he would know a huge secret that only a handful of people knew about me.

We kept on walking until we reached a meadow. It was stunning, trees lined the edges where the path broke off into the woods and a small waterfall poured into a river that ran along the edge of the grass. Small rocks were placed around with no particular order to them, but the one thing that caught my attention was the hundreds of dandelions that covered the landscape. It was like I was looking at a cloud on land.

"Any reason you wanted to talk to me alone?" Tyler suddenly spoke up, reminding me of why I had brought him here in the first place.

"Uhm yeah, actually I have to tell you something. I don't want it to ruin our friendship, but I just feel like you have a right to know." I couldn't do this. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest and the tingling in my fingers. The panic was sweeping through my veins and my thoughts were racing through my head.

"I'm all ears Troye. What's up?" Tyler looked me right in the eyes and I could feel his glare burning into my soul. I had to tell him now, he probably already knew but I needed to tell him myself.

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the words. It was as if my throat locked up and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't speak. "Tyler I'm-" I couldn't finish the rest without starting to sob, I don't even know why I started to cry I just did. It was like a wave of emotions poured out of me and everything I had been feeling was finally released.

"Tyler I'm gay."

A small smile crept across his face and he just reached out his arms and wrapped me in his warm embrace.

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