Chapter 2: Promises

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Troyes POV

“Wait Troye, actually I need to ask you something.” As Tyler says this I immediately feel my heart rate speed up. It’s not that I was nervous about what Tyler had to say but I just hate it when people use that phrase, it makes me think of every possible scenario. It’s like when your parents tell you that they need to talk to you only a thousand times worse.

Realizing I had forgotten about the purple haired boy standing in front of me I quickly respond, “Yeah, ask away.” Surprisingly I sound quite confident, thank God for being an actor, it really does have its perks.

“Oh, uhm, well I was just wondering if you could you know maybe singasongformymom.” As he reaches the end he speeds up and his voice is barely above a whisper. Trying to out together what he had just asked me Tyler quickly adds, “But if you don’t want to that’s totally fine. I get it.” Seeing the heartbroken expression on his face makes me feel terrible.

“You little twink, of course I’ll sing a song for your mom!” As soon as I say this his face lights up and an adorable smile spreads across his face.

“Really?! You’ll do it??” He actually seems surprised that I agreed to this.

“Of course Tilly, anything for you. But what should I sing?”

“Sing The Fault In Our Stars, my mom always loved that song. She used to listen to it every day when she was in the hospital.” As soon as he said this my heart broke, his mom actually listened to my song and liked it. I never thought Jackie liked me, she thought I was too young to hang out with Tyler, but knowing she liked something I wrote made me feel amazing.

“Sure thing.” I respond, not sure how to continue the conversation and wanting to bring up his mother as little as possible. Tyler and his mom had a great relationship, I can’t imagine how terrible he must be feeling right now. I want to help him, I just don’t know what to do. Well I guess singing could be a god start.

After a few minutes of awkward silence we decide to go take our seats and wait for the mass to start. I had no idea what I was doing, considering I was Jewish and had never been to a church in my entire life before today. It was actually really pretty inside though, all of the windows were filled with stained glass placed in a way that formed pictures of events and people. I had no idea what any of it meant but it was still nice to look at.

I guess Tyler noticed my awestruck expression when he said, “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” With a cheeky wink. God, even at such a serious time he always found a way to make a joke, one of the many reasons he was my best friend.

“Well I would but I really don’t think people would appreciate that, considering I did already break something.” I was still embarrassed about that awkward entrance, but I’d rather laugh about it then give Tyler the satisfaction of teasing me.

Instead of getting the usual sassy response he just giggled. This wasn’t like the usual Tyler, he always made fun of my awkwardness any time he could, and I purposely set him up for a joke this time. He must be really upset about his mom. Before I could even think about it I was reaching for his hand. When he felt our hands meet he immediately relaxed, and I felt much better.

I hated seeing Tyler sad. He rarely ever got sad, but he was it was upsetting. Tyler wore his heart on his sleeve so you always knew when he was upset. I just always want to make him happy. Hes like my brother and I can’t stand to see him unhappy.

“Thank you Troye, you have no idea how much you’re helping me right now.” I wasn’t expecting him to say anything, but when he did my heart broke again. You could hear the pain in his voice and I was sure that he was going to cry at any second.

“Ty, I’ll always be here. Whenever you need me, I don’t care whats happening, if you need me I’ll be there as fast as I can. And that’s a promise.” I quickly pull him into a hug as I see a tear falling from his eye.

“D-don’t ever l-leave me T-troye, I n-need you.” He barley makes out the words in between sobs and I just want to take all of his pain away.

“Babe, don’t worry I won’t ever leave you.” As I say this I look up and stare into his eyes that are now filled with tears. The way he looked back at me just showed me how much he needed me. His eyes showed all the emotions he had been trying to hide for so long, the loneliness, the sorrow, the guilt. They held everything and I wanted nothing more to fix this, but I couldn’t. No one could. But I sure as hell was going to try.


Hey guyss!

Be sure to vote/comment if you like it!

Its going to get more intense as the story moves on but I'm just setting up the plot and stuff right now. :)

Have a lovley day/night and I will see yall when I update again


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