Chapter 14: Perfect

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Troye POV

"Tilly, you make me the happiest person on this planet." He really did. He was the only person who could make me feel this way. It was like whenever I touched him I was healed. It was toxic, he made me feel untouchable, but when he was gone my entire world crumbled. Without him beside me I could feel myself breaking. "I don't know what I ever did to deserve someone like you. You're incredible Ty, I know this is crazy but I think I-"

I was cut off from my speech when I felt a familiar pair of lips connect with mine. We had just had our first real kiss last night but it still felt like we had been doing this for years. It was like we were two halves coming together in perfect unity.

"Just shut up and dance with me." He smiled at me and I knew it was real, the look in his eyes was genuine. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. Every second I spent looking at Tyler I wanted him more and more. He was absolutely perfect.

He took me by the hand and twirled me around like they do in the movies, it was magical. I felt like I was on top of the world. We were waltzing all around the wet, muddy field like it was our own personal ballroom. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned in and pecked him on the nose.

"You fucking tease." Even though he was trying to seem upset he still had a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Aww is little Tilly upset?" I smirk at him, standing up taller to give myself an extra height advantage.

"Hey! I'm not that little." He started to pout and I couldn't help but laugh, just his simple facial expressions were so cute.

Before I could even think of a response I felt something hit me in the chest. I looked down and saw a huge clump of dirt and mud stuck to my shirt. I looked up and saw Tyler cackling like a maniac with mud still stuck to his fingertips.

"You're going to regret you did that Tyler."

"Troye your as intimidating as a cute and cuddly teddy bear. Bring it."

I launched forwards and tackled him to the ground. Pretty soon we were rolling around in the mud, completely covered in it. I tried to get up and run away from him but as soon as I stood up he grabbed my ankle and sent me falling back into the mud.

Before I knew what was happening I felt his arms wrap around me and I knew what was about to happen.

"Tyler, don't you dare."

"Too late for that Troye boy." He smirked at me and I tried to run away but I couldn't fast enough. Damn my uncoordinated legs that never work when I need them to. His hands wrapped around my waist until he reached my stomach and he stared to tickle me again.

I couldn't breathe, I was grasping for air but he wouldn't stop. I couldn't form words, I was trying so hard to tell him to stop but nothing was coming out. I could feel my stomach start to cramp and the air in my throat began to choke me. I tried to push him off but it wasn't working. Holy shit I'm going to be known as the guy who died from getting tickled and laughing to death.

"Troye! Troye! Answer me! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!" He stared at me with pure guilt, he was so upset.

As soon as I calmed down and started to breath normally again I grabbed a handful of mud and when Tyler wasn't looking I threw it right in his face, getting some in his hair during the process.

"You little shit!"

"You have such a dirty mouth Tyler, well at least now it matches your dirty hair."

"You did not get it in my hair." He ran his fingers through his hair and when he felt the wet crumbled up dirt in hi hair I thought he was going to strangle me.

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