Chapter 6: Almost Ready

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It's been about one month and 3 weeks since we've started practicing for the performances that will be taking place next week. Throughout that time the kids have gotten better and are basically ready for their performances regarding what they'll be presenting. Right now I am waiting on the last order of the outfits for next week. The students were so sweet when I asked for all of their sizes they questioned curiously why. I informed them that they'll be getting customized clothing for when they perform.

They kept trying to insist that they'll ask their parents to cover the cost of their own attire, refusing I told them the famous Mr. CEO Andre Lam is covering the cost. Asking me why I tell them the same lie others knew, 'he was my old boss and I was his secretary' he wanted to help me out if I ever needed it. Believing me they stop insisting since it was a favor from a 'friend'.

The mornings of the passed month and a half is spent in between getting more info on the drug issue and getting to know James. Loving to call him by his last name I rarely call him by his first name keeping it for when we are alone. I've realized over time he makes me feel safe and I can never get him out of my head. Accidentally looking in to his mind I found out a month after meeting he is apparently in love with me.

Not wanting to have him in danger I don't act on our feelings and keep them tucked away until I am done with this job putting away the dealers making the school much safer for the teenagers. Hating that I have to lie I stay prepared for the disappointment that will come when the truth is out.

Walking down the halls I head to Gavin's office before I go to see James for an update that I need passed around to the school staff for next week. Opening the office door I notice the empty secretary desk where the once so annoying secretary sat. Remembering she got fired 2 weeks ago I smile remembering it was because she couldn't hold her tongue when she was speaking to a student she accused of skipping.

(2 weeks ago)

 Not noticing me and James have exited his office and were 2 feet behind her heard the whole ordeal. Knowing it was her last strike I snickered drawing her attention around 180 degrees her face paled. Not wanting him to be stressed I told him I relay the message while he went to speak with the vice principal about the now open job position.

When I walked up to her I saw her body shake with fear, not wasting my time I tell her to pack up her things and her last pay check should arrive when it usually does. Not even after a beat she does as I instructed and scurried off  with a large box in hand with tears trailing down her face. Turning to Marley and Carin I give them a look saying, "did I do okay? Was I wrong on what I said?" Surprised at my question they applaud me and say it was excellent. 

Laughing I nod and roll back my shoulders relieving the tension in them from when I was speaking to what's her name. Huh I never bothered with her name. That's hilarious. Walking into the office a teacher comes in and asks Carin why the secretary leaving the school balling her eyes out and scared out of her mind. Answering her she informs the teacher that she got fired after not following her last warning leaving out the part that I was the one to do so.

Bursting in laughter the teacher I've come to know as Mrs. Tyrena says in between breaths of air, "Finally! My students kept complaining about her, never bothered with her name just called her Cruella." Already loving this teacher I waved them bye and continued on what I was doing that day.


Entering Gavins office without knocking I notice him napping on his bean bag chair I lightly shake him awake. When he opens his eyes he notices the lights are still off asking who's there I answer him with my name. An advantage in my heightened sight is I can also see in the dark. Flicking the light switch on I walk over to help Gavin up from the chair. Covering his face from the intrusion of light he begins stretching his limbs.

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