Chapter 18: Lies

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Star's outfit above.

Getting up I stretch my limbs trying to get rid of all the kinks in my muscles. Hearing a few pops I am satisfied that my body is relaxed even though I am still sore and injured. Usually it only takes about a week to heal any of my injuries completely.

Checking the time I see that it is 2 hours before school dismissal. Wanting to apologize to James I get dressed quickly. Since I'll be heading to work right after I arm myself and wear my badge after wearing work appropriate attire. Slicking my wet hair back I head to the car driving to the school. 

Arriving I park close to the entrance, killing the engine I exit the car heading straight to the main office. As I walk in I am met by silent stares directed towards me. Asking lightly I say, "Is Principal James in his office at the moment?" Carin answers my question, "I'm sorry hun right now he's with Coach Malcolm on the field, he seemed upset on his way there."

"Thank you Carin, I'll head over there right now." Finishing my statement I exit the office door. Heading over to the football field I walk for about 7 minutes arriving to my destination. The closer I get to the center of the field I notice Gavin and James conversing to each other while throwing around a football.

Noticing me approach them they both give me a serious look. Halting before them I take a deep breath and speak, "I am here to apologize and answer your questions to the best of my ability." Scoffing James says, "It's not that simple you can't be coming here expecting everything to be alright once you apologize and answer our questions." 

Feeling stinging in my chest at his words I nod in understanding. "I really am sorry. It wasn't supposed to end like this. I can't even explain how sorry I truly I am I- Interrupting me James says emotionlessly, "Enough apologizing just tell us what everything was about. And I mean everything."

Nodding I start to explain, "I work with the Federal Bureau of Investigation I am an agent working within the narcotics division. My involvement with the school was partially for an undercover job that was assigned to me." Taking another deep breath I continue, "I was supposed to find the drug dealers, their distributors, and their base of operation in order to keep the school clean of drugs that harm the students."

"I was strictly to do so by all means necessary. My methods were the most effective with many of the jobs I've been thorough hence why it took about 4 months for the arrests to occur. Within the school my job has been done and I will no longer be coming here as I have been the last 4 months."

Staying quiet I don't turn to look at Gavin nor James not wanting to see their upset faces. "So everything was a lie. Who are you. And why are you still here. You said you are done with your job so what made you come back. Are those girls also apart of this. That's low to use young students when they could get hurt." Hearing James' angered voice I feel like I've been hit by a semi-truck, he thinks I'm a horrible person.

Realizing he brought up the girls my head snaps up to his face even though he's angry with me I get protective. "Watch what you say about my girls how could you think I would put them in harms way. I may have lied about why I was here but don't you ever think that any of this has anything to do with them." With my anger pulsing through I feel my eyes tinting a light red hue. 

Feeling Gavin get between us he tries to relieve the tension on the field. Turning away from their gazes I control my emotions returning my eyes to their natural brown color. Still turned away I speak with a strong icey tone, "I've only lied about why I was here, everything else was true even if it is hard to believe. But it doesn't matter since you've already made up your mind about me. Now if you'll excuse me I have to head to work. Bye Gavin. Goodbye Principal James."

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