Chapter 15: Follow Him

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Her outfit above.

Throughout the week I've been keeping an eye on Milo and everywhere he goes I go. Not that he knows about that. Following him only lead me to the same club for the past 3 days, watching at a distance I notice he's always talking to different pairs of men.

Listening to their conversations daily I only hear them talking about getting a new supply soon. At those words I take them into account that I'll have to aware of everything more than usual. Although I am very much annoyed that they didn't give any locations or anything that can lead me into finding the base.

I am now following him once again after he finished school noticing he took a different route to where ever he is going. Passing an alleyway I keep a distance away from his car to prevent suspicion like I've been doing for a while.

After an hour and a half we pass by a clearing that is followed by a building that looks to be a factory that extends over 6 acres. Still following him I observe the building and notice it has an abandoned look on the outside. Watching him pull around the building I decide to drive 2 minutes down to park at a local diner.

Parking my car I get out and run back to the factory building. Not breaking a sweat I am now near the side of the building. Using my vision I follow him with my eyes but I also snuck in so I can find a blue print of the building at the same time.

Making sure I am not found I rummage around a room that looks to be for storage. Staying as quiet as I can I found what I am looking for. I stop using my vision to follow Milo so I can quickly memorize the blue prints. 5 minutes later I have memorized all 5 pages and returned it to the cabinet before wiping my prints from the room.

Returning outside I resume my vision on Milo and notice he has left a room that has a sign that says BOSS on the door. Still watching him I then see 2 men I recognize waving him bye while he leaves. Mark and Rick are still working in this profession, but now I can do something about it. With determination I drive back home speeding knowing I'll have a plan.

Halfway home I realize how hard I am gripping onto the steering wheel, loosening my hold I inhale and exhale a deep breathe to relieve the tension in my body. Pulling up to a fancy restaurant I call in ordering dinner, 25 minutes later I walk in to pick up the order. Paying I return to my car with the warm food driving once again.

Getting home I lock the gates and run inside while the food is still hot. Locking the door after me I place the food on the dinning table, at the same time I call for the girls to come down. Down in 3 minutes they hurry in excited to see what they'll be eating.

Smelling the foods aroma they are already drooling, plating the food we dig in and have a conversation on school and how they've been doing. Giving me genuine answers we continue eating and later hanging out after they finished their homework while I drew the blue prints I've memorized in my office.

Sleeping later than usual due to talking to each other all night we feel asleep in the living room.


Having my plan already put together on Friday I had to wait til today due to the fact that I am 100 percent sure Milo will be at the club. Since I got to know him for a couple days he told me he takes a break from work to chill at the club every Saturday.

Getting dressed I confirm where Milo is by calling him with a burner phone that I only use for working with suspects. Answering the call I hear his voice, "Hey baby." Nearly gagging I give a fake giggle and return his greeting, "Hi M. How are you. And what are you doing at the moment?" "Honestly I'm bored just lying down before I head down to the bar." He answers my question.

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