Chapter 17: Out of Hiding

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Star's outfit minus the gloves and bag above.

Having already sent out the squads to the location a half hour ago I head out to meet the officers. As we all greet each other I say, "Okay guys follow me to the school and once we are there you follow my orders. We want this to go smoothly." Nodding their heads in understanding we all get in our respective vehicles.

Entering the school parking lot with 4 cop cars following after me we all park right in front of the entrance of the building. Before getting out I make sure my guns are unloaded and there is no bullet in the chamber in each. Returning my guns back into my shoulder holsters I exit with 8 officers following after me.

Making sure everyone else's guns are unloaded I then continue to enter the school. As I know senior lunch is about to start I first go to the classes of the dealers that aren't in the cafeteria. As I enter each class without knocking I am met with teachers yelling at my rudeness. Pointing out the dealers the officers make their way to the students.

Arresting them the teacher continues yelling but this time because their student is in handcuffs. The only way to get them to shut up I'd have to pull out my badge issued by the FBI. When they'd quiet down I return the badge accidentally exposing my gun holsters handing from my shoulders. Seeing their fright I say, "don't worry they aren't loaded. Not that I need them they're just incase my bare hands get tired."

With the students looking in awe I always see their teachers still in fright as to whats going on. Exiting the classes we left 2 officers watching the students that were already arrested on the main floor. 

Heading to the cafe I block out all my emotions as I do every time I do a job no matter what kind. Slamming the double doors open I walk in emotionless. Hearing the commotion all the seniors watch me never turning their eyes off of me and the 6 others following behind. Looking in curiously everyone stops.

Getting to the middle of the cafe I turn to the officers and alter their memory as if I showed them pictures of whom they need to take. Getting the images in their heads not even a second later I tell 4 of them to go and apprehend them. As each pair heads to opposite ends the last two are still with me.

Walking towards Milo's table I say, "these are the last ones." As Milo and his friends stare in shock their eyes widen when they are pulled off their seats and put in handcuffs. Seeing the officers have the others I tell them to meet up with the rest and put them in the cars. After I speak they obey my commands and start to exit the cafe as the arrested kids try to get out of their hold.

Before they left I shout, "Head to the station I'll meet up with the others and don't forget to start the interrogations immediately." Sending me a thumbs up I understand they've heard me. As I was going to start to walk out I hear a familiar voice, "What in the hell was that Star? Where are you taking them, I need answers Star! You know what I'm calling the police." 

As my emotions are still tucked away I'm not affected as of right now by the angered man. Turning around I am met with a livid James, halting him I say, "Principal James I cannot speak with you now but when we are done with what we are doing you'll be informed as to why this happened."

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to leave." As I am about to leave he shouts one more time, "this is illegal I'm calling the police like I said so stay until they come." Getting annoyed at this the only thing I do is step right in front of him and pull out my badge. Looking at what I pulled out he gives a confused look and then understands quickly. 

Leaving in a hurry I turn away speeding past the cafe out the doors, looking back I notice James' heartbroken stare. Tucking my emotions deeper away I shake my head and head out the building. As I exit towards my car I notice the other officers already left with the kids.

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