Chapter 12: Keep Him Wanting More

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Star's outfit above.

Running around the schools halls I'm speeding up my pace not trying to be caught by him. Looking back I am surprised to see that he is right on my tail. Feeling myself get tired I didn't notice the weight of someone tackle me to the ground. Yelping I am forced down by the weight of his body, trying to get out of his hold I am now in a fit of hysterical laughs.

Shaking out of his hold I now can move out of his arms, wiggling I quickly move successfully. Now tired I just lay on the ground trying to catch my breath from the running I did in the last 5 minutes. Looking over at him I nearly shout, "You almost killed me Gav. My gosh what do they feed you man."

Laughing at me he says, "hey. What's that supposed to mean?" Rolling over I get up and say, "you weight like a dozen packs of potatoes. I nearly turned into a 2 dimensional being." Feeling offended he gets up crosses his arms and turns to walk away with a pout.

Catching up to him I say, "dude I'm joking. You know you are absolutely fit." Giving him the gesture of 👌 . Shaking his head he chuckles while giving me a nuggie that he knows I hate with a passion. Moving out of his hold we both head to the nearest gym to cool off from the anount of running and teasing we did.

Entering we hear a couple of hushed voices, looking up we see Milo and a couple others in a close group on the bleachers. Since its already 3:30 we didn't expect to see any students here after school on the premises. Curiously I wait for Gavin to speak with them.

Not hearing him speak I turn to him and give him an expectant look. Noticing this he answers the unasked question, "oh, they are volunteers they've been doing this for the last 3 years." Asking him I say, "volunteer to do what?"

"They clean up a bit, sometimes hang up flyers, and they like to join other clubs after school." Taking in the information I notice its the perfect cover to take if they wanted to keep restocking the schools dealer's supply discretely. Nodding I go and grab my belongings which are coincidentally right where the group of boys are sitting. 

Seeing me approach they all fidget with their hands in their laps except Milo. Taking my gym bag in hand I go over Milo's body to grab my bottle of water, leaning my face just inches from his I notice he looks at my lips as they're just about hovering over his. Feeling his breath on my face I lean back not a millisecond later with the bottle in hand standing straight. 

Looking at his face I see a light shade of pink across his cheeks, smirking to myself I tell the group, "Don't be getting into trouble now boys." With a mock salute I leave them and wave Gavin bye as I left the gym.

Bumping into someone I grab them before we both can fall to the ground steadying our balance. Looking up I see James, letting go of him I tell him I'll be heading home. Asking me he says, "Do you want to grab coffee this weekend maybe?" Feeling bad I say, "oooo, I'm sorry I'm busy. I have work regarding important matters."

Nodding in understanding he tells me that its fine and to have a good day. Feeling bad I give him a big hug and a peck on his cheek catching him off guard. Questioning me as he blushes he asks, "What was that for?" Answering him I say, "It's an I'm sorry." 

Turning away I smile heading out the school doors. Getting in my car I throw my back and bottle of water in I start the ignition driving home. 

Feeling bad that I'll have to spend more time with Milo and less with James I prepare myself for the sad looks that will be coming my way from him in the future. 

Getting home I go straight to my office teleporting my bag and bottle into my room. Sitting at my desk I open my desk top I look to my emails from the personal informer I have on this case for Milo's well known hangout areas.

Getting leads I found the main place he's always around and what a coincidence its at a club that is notorious for gangs and cartels visiting. Rolling my eyes I notice that it is a good 20 minute drive away from the school. I guess I know where I'll be this Saturday, now I need to find a nice outfit.

Looking closer at the email I read the name of the club and making sure that I wouldn't forget it; Devil Incarnate. Nodding to myself I close up the emails and shut down the desktop. Getting up I hear the doorbell ring.

Not expecting visitors I quickly wonder who got through the gates without me knowing. Teleporting into the foyer I answer the door, hearing a male voice on the other side of the door I open it wide knowing exactly who it is.

Walking in with a couple large painting canvases he puts them on the ground and stretches his back muscles once inside. Gavin then sends me a big smile, returning the smile I ask if the canvases are what I think they may be.

Nodding he begins to speak, "As soon as you asked for me to do the paintings ideas flowed through my head and I had to put them down on the canvases before I loose the vision." I am happy that he is so enthusiastic about the paintings. Motioning to the paintings I ask him to allow me to see them.

Handing them over he waits in anticipation, looking over them I am astonished by the work he's done for me. Voicing my opinion I say, "Gav, these are amazing do you know what you can do with this talent?"

Waving me off he says, "Like I said, I'm happy with what I have. But thank you I appreciate your opinion." Hugging him I thank him on his work and ask him to help me put them up in the perfect places in the area.

Grabbing one painting in hand I go grab a hammer and some nails to use while putting up the marvelous work. Altogether it took about 2 hours because I kept changing the position of the paintings.

Finishing up I allow Gavin to leave after insisting he grabs a snack and drink on his way out with both in hand. Locking the door I remember to make sure the gate is also locked once Gavin leaves the property.

Knowing the girls will not be having dinner with me I grab something small to sustain me and go to my room to read. Finishing my book 3 hours later I am devastated to know the main character died before they can tell the man they love how they feel.

Closing the book I teleport it into my office on my desk as I quickly shower and put on a large hoodie with a pair of short-shorts. Heading to bed I make sure all the doors are locked and send good dreams for the girls.

In the weekend I'll figure out more.

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