Fushia: Spanking

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I'm horny

Jack did his best not to smirk at his phone as he replied to Alex's text. He was at a family lunch and his mother had always had a rule against phones at the table.

Is that right?

He made sure to triple check his phone was on silent. The last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself. Right now, everyone was too busy discussing May's wedding plans to notice him texting under the table.

I'm feeling pink today

Instantly a plethora of dirty thoughts filled Jack's mind.

What shade?

Jack's throat went dry, and his eyes widened when the next reply came through.

It was a photo of Alex completely nude with a fuchsia bandana tied around his bare right thigh. He was biting slightly on his lower lips and his dark eyes were looking through the camera as his hair fell slightly into them.

He'd placed himself just so that you couldn't see his dick, but Jack was more than experienced enough to know exactly what it would have looked like.

"Jack!" He immediately locked the device and glanced up to find his mom sending him a funny look across the table. "Sorry." He said, pocketing the device. "Just Rian asking me about a college assignment."

She rolled her eyes and turned back to Joe who had apparently been saying something. Probably baby-related since that was all he'd been able to talk about since he'd found out his wife was pregnant a few months back.

"So, who is he?" He glanced at a smirking May with a raised eyebrow.
"Who?" She snorted.
"Oh come on Jack, I know that look. Mom just caught you sexting."

Jack did his best to appear calm and collected as he rolled his eyes and studiously ignored the blush creeping up the back of his neck. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." She sighed, shaking her head. "Whatever you say. Guess I'll just have to wait till the wedding and harass him there." Jack just shook his head. There was no way in hell that was happening.

The rest of the lunch seemed to pass torturously slowly but Jack daren't check his phone again during the meal. He could not afford to get a boner during an incredibly white picket fence family gathering.

He eventually left the house with final shouts of important dates and events to remember that he'd already put in his phone calendar, but would no doubt forget about anyway. He knew his mom would start harassing him about them a few weeks before anyway, so he'd have time to prepare.

He finally opened up his phone to find a new text from Alex.

You down?

Jack couldn't help but grin as his thumbs tripped over themselves trying to type as fast as possible.

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