Chapter 4: To bring them Joy!

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!Swear Warning!

Izuku sighs as he enters his apartment through the window after successfully avoiding being arrested yet again. He was exhausted and hadn't eaten anything since last night.. It had almost been a full day and he was starving so he goes straight to his mini-fridge to hopefully find something to eat.
"Empty..maybe I have some snacks still?" He goes over to his side table placed near his bed and finds some Doritos.

"Finally, some good fuckin' food!!" He doesn't bother washing his hands because fuck hygiene! He finishes up his dinner and changes into something more comfortable. Then he flops down on his bed and tries to fall asleep.

Key word: tries

It's times like these that Izuku wishes he had stolen money from that one insolent, spoiled brat who was hella rude to the employees. Like just cause your 'daddy' has extra money to waste on you, doesn't mean you get to do as you please. This was at his previous job as a janitor. He got fired because he dropped a bucket full of brown paint on the brat's head on his head out one day. Izuku thought it was worth it cause the brat deserved it.

But that's completely off topic. He wished he stolen some money from him so he had enough money now to buy some sleeping pills or something but when was life so considerate to Izuku? That's right, never. So he's learned to stop with his wishful thinking. To stop hoping for things he knows he isn't. gonna. get and has become independent.
He's survived without having to rely on anyone for 5 years since his mom died, he is fully capable of taking care of himself!
...Okay..maybe except for the fact that he could use some extra money to pay the rent on time and eat proper meals..but he's still alive!

Gotta give him props for not giving up and committing no-breath by now.




Instead of completely giving up after All Ass left him on the rooftop on his dream of saving people with a smile..he decided that he would achieve his dreams. Just change the way he was gonna do it before a bit.
He supposed that if he were to still try and become a hero, nobody would want someone quirkless to be better than him so they would continuously try and break him till he gave up. Even if he somehow, miraculously became a hero, he realized that no one would want to be saved by a quirkless.

So! Instead of actively trying to prove them wrong and that someone quirkless can be a hero you mothertruckers, he decided that it would be better if they didn't know he was quirkless. That way he wouldn't have to deal with discrimination and wouldn't be repeatedly reminded of his dreadful past. He just wanted to move on and start a new life. He wanted to be someone other than the quirkless, weak, cry baby, deku of Aldera. He wanted to be free, to have fun, be carefree, do whatever with no one to stop him, question him, and have his dreams be shattered again!
*cough* All Meat*cough*

And that is how he developed his vigilante persona. could say it's always been inside of him, he just never let that side of his show because he would prefer not being burned by Bakugo's quirk on an everyday-basis, thank you very much.

For his vigilante name, he decided on "Yorokobi" because it fits well with what he plans on doing. And he plans on becoming..the Symbol of Joy.

For those who are no longer cheery, who have forgotten to just take it easy, become carefree and just..have a good time. For those who have forgotten what it feels like to laugh. Those who are scarred and left with no hope, with no one to care, and no one to love.

He wants to save those who think they don't deserve to be saved. To make their lives happier along with bringing them to justice. He wants to bring a smile on their face and he'll do it through vigilantism. Or other words..making the police's and heroes' life a hell lot harder, messing with them along the way.

Yes, it would have been a whole lot easier for Izuku to accomplish his goal by becoming a hero..but he would rather people not openly discriminate him. He just wants to help people and doesn't have time to deal with all that. Besides, if it were known that Yorokobi was quirkless, people might not even acknowledge his goal which would ruin everything! Izuku was willing to accomplish his goal by going against the law and have a risk of him being put behind bars if it meant helping people.

If it meant being something other than a worthless deku..

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now