Chapter 18: Present And Rent

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Hitoshi woke up to his papa's squeal. 

"No way, Sho! He really got this for me?!" 

"Yeah, he did. And please stop yelling, Hitoshi is asleep for once." His dad replied. 

"Right." His papa said, quietly this time. 

Hitoshi took a minute to wake up and walked to the kitchen. 

"Morning Toshi! Sorry, did I wake you up?" Papa asked, grinning sheepishly, a key chain(?) in his hand. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it…Uh, so what's that?" 

Papa brightened up and showed him what he realized was a cockatoo key chain proudly, "Kobi got this for me! He also left me a note! Isn't that so sweet?" 

"Woah, it kinda looks like you."

His papa laughed, "Kobi said he saw this at a store and decided to paint it for me because it reminded him of me."

Hitoshi huffed a laugh, "Sounds like a chill guy. But do you mean Kobi as in the vigilante or..?" Hitoshi remembered his dad had talked about how 'Yorokobi' was a troublesome vigilante they had yet to catch. 

"Right, I didn't tell you we stopped trying to catch him." His dad said. 

"You have? Why?" Hitoshi moved to get his favorite mug from the cabinet. 

"He's about your age and he has potential. We want to know why he decided to not become a hero so we need to gain his trust first." 

This caught Hitoshi's attention and he placed the mug down. "You think he has a weak quirk and decided to become a vigilante?" 

"The opposite, actually. We think he has an intelligence or speed quirk."

"Wait, what? No way, he would become a hero if he did. He's probably just smart and quick on his feet. Kinda like Izuku." Hitoshi spoke his thoughts. 

His dad just mumbled something in response. Probably didn't get enough sleep. 

"Izuku? The Izuku who's blowing up on social media?" Papa looked at Hitoshi. 

Hitoshi smiled, "Yeah! That Izuku is also my friend now!" He was overjoyed by the fact that he made a friend. And that it was Izuku of all people. He had a feeling they would get along great despite knowing him for less than a day.

"You made a friend?!" Papa grinned, pulling Hitoshi into a hug.

"I thought you said you weren't friends last night?" His dad raised an eyebrow, drinking from his coffee. 

"Well, he wasn't," Hitoshi started, pulling away from the hug, "but then I asked if we wanted to and now we're friends," Hitoshi explained. 

"That's good." His dad acknowledged. And was that a smile he just saw or were his eyes playing tricks on him? 

The rest of the morning passed with his papa fanboying over the cockatoo key chain and asking his dad millions of questions about Kobi and what he's like. His dad didn't even seem to mind answering them despite being sleep deprived. 

Hitoshi would forever be grateful they decided to adopt him.


Izuku was tired. No, that's not right. He was exhausted, and could faint at any given moment but he just couldn't sleep. Well, more like he didn't want to until he finished the upgrades to his vigilante costume. The springs in his boots weren't working like he hoped they would. Izuku sighed. He needed better equipment for this kind of thing, not the rusty and broken pieces he found at Dagobah beach.

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now