Chapter 9: An Interesting Turn Of Events

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!Swear warning!

"Don't do it kid..Please."

Izuku yelps and almost falls off the roof. He whips his head around to see who the voice belonged to and Izuku is shocked to say the least. What was a daylight hero, more importantly, Pro Hero, Hawks doing here?! Panicked and frozen in fear, he doesn't realize he had started muttering his thoughts out loud.

"Hey..You good?"

Oh fuck. Nonono, Hawks is way out of my league, no way in hell can I outrun him! Even if I do use my smoke bomb, he can just fly his way out and catch me in a heartbeat! I've made it so far, I can't get arrested now..God, why must you forsake me at a time like this?

He was so lost in thought he hadn't noticed he was staring at the Pro, wide-eyed which made him look extremely guilty as if he was just caught underage drinking at a bar- Wait why didn't Hawks make a move yet? Then a realization struck him.

Oh my gosh, you fucking dumbass Izuku. He probably didn't recognize you, why else hasn't he taken you to the police station yet? Use that to your advantage. Just shut up, keep your distance, and pretend to be a civilian. Yeah..that might work.


Tomorrow was Hawks' day off and he didn't feel like sleeping just yet so he went on a midnight walk. Or in his case, a midnight flight.
As he was flying around, enjoying the peaceful night, he notices a green blob on one of the rooftops. He realizes that it was a person because of his sharp eyes. Wait.. were they sitting on the edge? Oh, this was bad. Hawks really hoped this wasn't what he thought it was but he really couldn't think of any reason why anyone would be on a rooftop this late at night, except for one.

They were suicidal.

Hawks knew he shouldn't jump to conclusions but he didn't want to take any chances either. So, he landed on the roof behind the person, carefully. Now that he got a closer look on the person, he found them to be awfully short- it had to be a kid. Hawks would be surprised if they weren't.

Okay so, Hawks isn't the best when it comes to these kind of things and didn't know what he supposed to say. So he just spoke the first thing that came to mind which..didn't come out the way he had hoped.

"Don't do it kid..Please."

Oh crap. Yeah, that must have been the wrong thing to say considering he almost fell off-

Hawks couldn't make out the kid's features. He narrows his eyes at the small figure. They wore a mask and something around their waist? They seemed familiar. But that isn't what's important right now. Right now, he needed to make sure that the kid, (a boy?) isn't suicidal. 

"Hey..You good?" Hawks asks, worried that the kid wasn't responding.

The kid didn't seem to hear him as he continued to stare at Hawks. Hawks thought that the kid must be a fan and was just shocked to see him but he was proven wrong a moment later when he heard the kid talking to himself at a very..rapid speed. It's a miracle he heard anything at all.

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now