Chapter 15: A lot to take in

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Okay. Izuku thinks as he plops down on his bed. Let's recall what the fuck just happened 

1. There is no new vigilante I could at least hope to be friends with.

2. Eraserhead apparently thinks I have the potential to be a hero.

3. Hawks thinks I have abusive parents which isn't technically wrong, but I don't have him anymore so it's different.

4. They are for some reason, trying to gain my trust and ‘help’ me?

5. Oh, and they know I'm a teenager now. That's not good.

6. They think I have an intelligence or speed quirk. Even Nezu...I don't know why.

7. Ahhh and Hawks said that Eraserhead would want to adopt me if I had abusive parents but Eraserhead did not agree with that statement so it was most definitely a misunderstanding on Hawks’ side. 

And 8. They won't give a shizz about me once they come to know I'm quirkless so all the previous points are irrelevant and I should go to sleep so I can get a job early in the morning. Need to pay the bills soon and sleeping on the streets is the last thing I wanna do right now.'

The next day

Izuku wakes up in a hurry and puts on some black clothes, along with his black sunglasses. He heads out of his apartment, locking the door behind, and roams around on the streets of Musutafu, in search of a job. 

Now, if Izuku were a normal teenager, he would probably be hanging out with his friends, or even just going to school and being anxious about an upcoming test. But life sucks and so he doesn't get to live a normal life. Though, to be fair, he's 15 so he can't expect life to be that easy after what happened to him at a younger age. 

Izuku's birthday was a month ago and he remembers spending it cuddled up in his bed, watching sad movies on his laptop and eating a bucket full of ice cream he had spent all his savings on, not bothering to stop the tears spilling from his eyes as he wondered what his life had come to. 

Really, what had his life come to? Izuku wakes up, takes his online classes, hangs around the city after a cup of coffee, then goes back home and does his homework. That was pretty normal, yeah but then he thinks of any improvements he could make to his vigilante costume and does some analysis on new villains before leaving his house at 11 PM for 'vigilantism'. Well, he used to run away from all the heroes but now ? Now, he seems to be attracting them. One after another. They aren't even trying to catch him anymore! Well, not actively at least. The coffee-addicted insomniac- wait, that fits Izuku perfectly- The coffee-addicted insomniac hero doesn't look like he's gonna give up any time soon. 

If that same coffee-addicted insomniac hero wasn't after his civilian self too, Izuku would have gone to Depresso Espresso and asked Yui for a job but no! Life just wants to make Izuku suffer but that's okay. He's getting used to it. 

Izuku doesn't even know if any other places accept a 15-year-old. He's tried a few cafes but they don't need any more employees. He can only work as a cashier of some sort because he can't cook. And he would like not having to walk miles just to earn a couple of dollars so he can't go too far away from his apartment to find a job. 

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