Chapter 8: A Normal Day..?

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!Swear Warning!

Timeskip to 4 days

It's time!



No, it's not muffin time- but you can listen to the song 👆

It's time for Izuku's favourite part of the day- Helping people! He changed into his vigilante suit, slid his window open, got out on the balcony, and climbed to the roof. (For all those overthinkers out there, he remembered to close the window, don't worry-)

His vigilante costume is pretty plain, but it's good enough. It's not like he's famous or anything.. It consists of a dark green hoodie and black pants. He wears a black mask so his words comes out muffled and they can't tell how old he is from his voice. A bright red utility belt is tied around his waist that matches the only pair of shoes he's owned since he was 11. He's seen some pairs in his size and he really would have bought them if he didn't spend all his savings at Depresso Espresso. But can you really blame him? Even the cheapest coffee they had was fucking bomb! No wonder the coffee addict- *cough* Eraserhead likes it.


Izuku keeps his weapons in the utility belt, that being a pocket knife which was specifically made to be able to cut through Eraser's capture weapon because he figured if he accomplished that, then he'll be able to escape any other restraints- Well, except handcuffs, and use it as a weapon if needed, but sucks to suck, Izuku lost it during his encounter with took him a whole month to make the knife too..

Good thing he wasn't relying on it too much though.

Izuku replaced the knife he lost to Eraser with some random one he kept for back-up. Izuku mostly prefers hand-to-hand combat so he doesn't carry too many things but him being the anxious bean he is, carries a few bandages along with a boomerang.

Yup. A boomerang.

He needs a long-range weapon after all so..why not? Well yeah, he might lose it but he can always just make another one! And it's exactly why he attached fake fingerprints to his fingers so he can touch things without having to worry about people finding out his identity if he does lose his things. He's a smart cookie, don't question how he managed to make fake fingerprints-

And that's not all, Izuku keeps a few bombs in the pockets he stitched on his pants. He has 2 smoke bombs if he's ever caught and needs a distraction, 2 glitter bombs to mess with the heroes, and something new he just thought of yesterday. It will be revealed later in the story so uh take a guess?

Izuku can't really afford proper equipment so he makes do with what he can find from dumpsters and the Dagobah beach- which can't even be called a beach anymore from how much junk is 'stored' there. He's pretty proud of himself for making the bombs himself. They all are circular in shape and black in color so they look like the real deal, just in case he needs to scare people off again by pretending they're real bombs- He added little colored stickers at the bottom so he knows which is which. White for the smoke ones, and pink for the glitter ones.

Right now, Izuku is jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He has been patrolling for about 30 minutes and has yet to find a single crime to stop. He decides to admire the starry, peaceful night for a while and stops at an abandoned building. After a few minutes of sitting on the edge, he's startled by a slightly panicked but soft voice behind him,

"Don't do it, kid..Please."

A normal day for Izuku? ..never-

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now