Chapter 17: Guess who's back!

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Izuku slowly climbed up the fire escape, careful not to make a sound. Reaching the top, he quietly made his way behind the figure and took out the guns. 

He made sure they were ready and then-

"SURPRISE!!" Izuku jumped up as he fired the guns pointing upward. 



Shota stumbled as he turned around with his quirk activated and his capture weapon ready to use. His shoulders slumped in relief and he deactivated his quirk after he took in the person in front of him. Kobi was alive and well. 

"Kobi." Shota breathed out, an eyebrow raising as he looked at Kobi closely. The kid had a new, green mask. The sound was made by his guns that shot out a million streamers, glitter, and all kinds of things honestly.

"Damn it, I thought I would be able to get at least one swear out of you." 

Shota blinked, "You almost gave me a heart attack. Why?"

The kid laughed and put the guns back in his utility belt. "That's great. I was going to come say hi but thought it would be pretty boring to just show up so figured why not." Oh, he was so glad Kobi decided to find him. Not that he would say that out loud. 

"Where did you even get the guns from, problem child?" He was a minor, how did he have access to them?

Kobi tilts his head, "Problem child?" 

"A nickname that fits you perfectly."

Kobi stifled a laugh, "Alright, does that mean I get to give you one too? Hmm…" 

"You can decide that later. Where did you get the guns from?" 

"Oh, these?" Kobi looks down at the guns. "Just um…saw them lying around… never mind that, uh, I actually wanted to give you something." Saw them lying around? 

Shota hums, deciding to not push, "What is it?" 

"Here, catch this." Kobi shuffles in his pocket before throwing the box over to Eraser who catches it. 

"Give it to Present Mic for me, will you? And before you ask how I know about your relationship, uh, just don't." 

"Should I be concerned?" Shota asked, jokingly. 

"You should be terrified. I know everything about you."

"You what?-"

The kid laughed, "Kidding, kidding!" 

Shota was unconvinced, "Which part?" 

"The first! It's not like I can do anything with knowing who your husband and son are!" 

Shota narrowed his eyes, "How did you find that out?" 

"Oops, would you look at the time? Vigilante duty is calling me. Gotta go, see ya Eraser!" And then he ran off, hurriedly hopping across the rooftops. 

Shota sighed, the kid never told him why he wasn't around for the past days. That just made Hawks' suspicion about him being in an unsafe environment truer. Unless he really was just taking a break or perhaps even got injured and stayed home? Well, no way he could know now. 


It was 3:20 AM and his patrol just ended. Shota opened the door of his apartment to the lights on and a very ecstatic Hitoshi. 

Shota sighed, "What are you doing up, Hitoshi?" Hitoshi turned to face him and he looked uncharacteristically energetic and excited. 

"Dad, you need to see this." Hitoshi motioned Shota to sit on the couch with him and showed him the screen on his laptop. 

{Indefinite Hiatus} Oops, I did it again..!Where stories live. Discover now