Chapter 5- A Little Bit of Fun

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"What are you guys laughing about," a young British voice asked from behind them.  Dream turned to see Tubbo in a green button down shirt and jeans. His eyes were a simple brown but looked worn and shrouded. He had short brown hair that had obviously been previously buzzed, revealing short horns.  His skin was pale and he was sickly thin. Dream was about to look away when a scar caught his eye. It was jagged and white, arching up his neck.  Dream nearly missed it with Tubbo's skin being so pale, but he had seen too many people with scars like that. A similar scar took up the side of his face, making Dream snarl.

"They didn't," he growled, pushing himself to his feet. Wilbur gave his a surprised, worried look, standing as well.

"Didn't what?"

Tubbo's eyes flashed knowingly and his hand went to his face. When the others noticed the scars they responded with varying levels of concerned noises.

"A new form of 'interrogation' they were trying with explosives. It was meant to be reserved for high-importance dangerous prisoners. And adults only, no minors."

Tommy and Phil were forward in a second, looking Tubbo over. Dream sighed and took Wilbur's hand on instinct.

"I knew we shouldn't have sent you there," Dream said quietly, tears sparking in his eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't have done more."

To his surprise, Tubbo broke away from the other two and came over to him.

"I remember you, you were the only one who was against my punishment. You did everything you could, I don't blame you."

"Thanks," Dream said. Tubbo smiled sadly and accepted a large hug from Phil.

"You up for some fun tonight?"

"Of course I am," Tubbo said, a spark of excitement lighting up his eyes. Tommy smiled hopefully.

"Someone go get Techno, we have some government officials who's lives have gotten to easy."


Dream was sitting on a rooftop, overlooking a familiar city. The last time he sat up here, he and George were having a sunset picnic. He remembered the sense of peace sitting up here, the golden and rose rays bathing the entire city. He had caught Tubbo that day though, and he was full of conflicting emotions.  The boy had been caught stealing from a jewelry store and his accomplice had gotten away.  Dream was torn about whether to send him to the maximum security prison or the more local one.  Georeg decided they needed a night off and had dragged Dream up to the rooftop to help him forget his worries.  If anything, it had reminded him of the city he was "protecting."

Now, he wore a smiling mask and was with his criminal boyfriend, ready to make some people's lives a living hell.  He felt content, like this was where he belonged.  The city looked more dangerous at night, but also more alive.  Some widows were illuminated with lights, allowing Dream to see inside.  One showed a young girl of about fourteen sitting in front of a television.  He couldn't help but be reminded of his half sister.  His heart was beating in his throat and his adrenaline was running.  He couldn't decide which scene he enjoyed more.

Speaking of a criminal boyfriend, Wilbur was sitting right next to him, crouched and waiting.  A little bit of lamplight reflected off of his round glasses.  Tommy and Tubbo were sitting on a fire escape adjacent to the couple, playing some sort of hand game. Techno and Phil were hidden in the alleyway.

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