Chapter 16- Eret's Downfall

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It had been one month.  Exactly a month since Nightmare's big debut.  Since then the Sleepy Boys had left other warnings ranging from paper notes to a flaming sign flown from a plane (Tommy's idea).  They schemed and made more videos, Ponk breaking through any firewalls on the news that were put into place to stop them.  Puffy did one, endorsing the Sleepy Boys and announcing her return.  Techno did one about the specifics of their corrupt government.  Dissent in the public grew, as did support for the "SBI" as they were being called.

Ranboo officially joined the family and quickly befriended Tubbo and Tommy.  Tubbo and Ranboo's platonic marriage was scheduled on Ranboo's eighteenth birthday, since he was younger than Tubbo.  He awkwardly got into a life of crime, especially enjoying prison breaks.  He was up next for their videos to talk about his experience with the city.  Tommy roped him into a scheme to burn George's apartment complex to the ground but Dream stepped in before it got out of hand.

Dream and Wilbur had gotten closer over the period of time, now regularly able to share a bed without keeping each other awake.  It worried Phil and Ranboo the most, Tommy found it amusing though.  Ranboo had been somewhat confused about how Nightmare fit into the situation, but once Dream put on the mask, he understood.

Dream, as Nightmare, had also developed a habit of leading his former colleges on wild chases around the city only to escape at the last possible moment.  It infuriated them to no end, and he couldn't help but enjoy it.  He was currently in the process of one right now.

He wove through the now familiar outdoor market, waving and shouting to any passersby he came across.  They moved out of his way as he dodged tasers and sleeping darts.  He rounded a corner and raced up a pole supporting the colorful canopies, doing a handstand on a tin roof before righting himself and racing across the rooftop.  

Some people clapped appreciatively, others pulled out phones and recorded the events.  Nightmare waved as he ran, a wild, hidden grin forming beneath his mask.  The wind was sharp against his barely exposed skin but it kept him awake and on his toes.  There was no moon tonight, the city lit by only artificial lights.

The police followed below him but he wasn't worried.  It was only a matter of time before they wore out.  He made it out of the market into a shadier part of town.  Shoddy buildings and shifty people were abundant, but these people cheered openly as Nightmare raced past.  They whistled and hollered, making him smirk.  The Sleepy Boys had been gaining a lot of supporters over the past month, something Dream learned to play to.  He did a few flips, even managed to high-five someone before continuing on the chase.

He raced down an unfamiliar alleyway, in the mood for something new, only to find a dead end.  No fire escapes, the roof was too far above him to grab, no balconies, and not a single trash can.  Nightmare swore under his breath, he really hated having to resort to plan B.  There was no other option though, as the furious police rounded the corner.  They were all out of breath, panting and barely upright.  Disgust roiled through him, this was the best the city had to offer, seriously?  

Nightmare, however, put his hands up in the air and froze, not moving.  Then, he whistled, loud and clear.  It cut through the night like a knife, and there was a moment of pure silence, like the calm before the storm.

A familiar pink blur dropped from roof behind the cops and took them out with ease.  It wasn't even a fight, Techno dispatched of them so easily.  Nightmare snorted, rolling his eyes from beneath his mask.

"You're lucky I'm letting you help tonight," he called.  Techno straightened up, cracking his neck.

"You're lucky you're dating my brother, otherwise I wouldn't have helped."

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