9 Memories and Loss

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His long silky black hair was blown gently back by the wind on screen. But Kurapika didn't hear what the reporter had to say about him, because something took his attention away. Upon seeing his brother on screen, the baby's eyes slitted, and he inhaled so sharply the blonde jumped.


The baby backed away from the screen, holding up his hands as if to shield himself away from his brother.


The baby fell off the table and crawled swiftly towards the kitchen. By this time, Leorio had opened his door, concerned with the screams he was hearing.

The baby crawled to the front of the oven. The reflection of the tv shone through the glass, and the baby turned around again, screaming with such force Leorio could feel his teeth vibrate. The baby shot all around the kitchen, arcs of blue lightening making the light above flash in an eerie manner. Pots and pans clanged onto the floor. Killua was moving faster than both the doctor's and kurta's eyes could register, catching split moments of him landing on the counter, floor, stove, eyes bright like headlights.

"Killua!" Kurapika yelled.

"What happened?!" Leorio demanded.

"I don't know!"

Killua shot in between both of them, crash landing on the table. A wire was wrapped around his ankle. The tv continued to show Illumi's face. He was talking to the reporter, and brought up needles in his hand.

Killua let out an animalistic, hysterical scream, covering his ears with his little arms. Both parents had never seen so much wild fear in Killua before. The kitchen light above burst, sending glass shards on the tile floor. The baby's screaming began to make the blonde's eyes tear from the volume. Though he cried, no tears came. His frantic eyes switched from the parents back to the screen.

It was too loud to hear or form any thought, and the screaming seemed endless. Lightening surrounded the baby, making it impossible to touch him. Then, putting his arms up halfway as if to shield himself again, he froze.

He sat there on the table, mouth open, no sound coming out, completely silent. His eyes remained on the television, frozen. That same still look was in his eyes from when he hit the tree. That same terrifying expression of nothing behind his eyes.

"Killua!" Kurpika could only muster a shaky call. He lunged for the remote and switched off the television.

Leorio rushed forward to the frozen baby. He took the wire off his foot. Calling his name repeatedly, the doctor shook him gently, holding him in his arms, fear growing within him when the baby didn't respond. Killua stayed in the same position, rigid and stiff.

"What's wrong with him?!" Kurapika yelled.

Leorio held the back of neck and rested his stiff little body on his forearm. Killua's face was turning slight blue. Immediately the doctor began to massage the baby's chest. "Breathe." He muttered. The baby's mouth remained open. No breath came out. Leorio massaged harder. "Breathe, Killua! Breathe!" The blonde watched anxiously. "Breathe!"

The baby inhaled, before letting out a deafening cry, to both parent's relief. The doctor's forearm buzzed with electricity. Killua took gasping little breaths, his stomach sucking in air. Both parents sank to the floor, grateful to hear the sweet cry of the baby.

When We Were Babies (Kurapika x Leorio parents)Where stories live. Discover now