028. hogsmead with regulus black

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 xxviii||hogsmead with regulus black

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xxviii||hogsmead with regulus black

"I have a bad feeling about this." Maria mumbles as her and Regulus walk through the hall and Regulus rolls his eyes slightly. Maria plays with the sleeve of Regulus' jacket as they walk towards the path to Hogsmead.

"That's not exactly what a man wants to hear on a first date, you know?" Regulus says and Maria gives him a look.

"Everyone's staring."

Regulus looks around. Yes, most of the scattered students on their way to Hogsmead or back to the castle are gawking at the unexpected pair with wide eyes and gaping mouths. The boy sighs and considers what to say before smirking and leaning down next to her ear.

"Why wouldn't they?" Regulus shrugs carelessly. "You're gorgeous, I'm gorgeous."

Maria gives him another look and the Black laughs slightly, his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket and hers buried under the sleeves of his jacket that he leant to her — one he doesn't expect he'll get back in a while. Trudging down the long path to Hogsmead, the duo chat about random things like why Maria and her family aren't in the 'sacred 28' and why Regulus learnt French when he was just a young boy.

"So you're like, fluent?" Maria questions as they reach the small village, smiling slightly at the sight of Hogsmead in the evening, the street lamps dim with small, orange flames fluttering inside them and pupils of Hogwarts scattered around, most in the Three Broomsticks because of the drop in temperature since midday. Others are younger, most likely fourth years hurrying to get some pranking supplies from Zonko's joke shop in time to try and match the level of the marauders annual, end of year prank — which Maria is assuming to be a big one this year, as it's their last. Maria is just praying that Lily had dragged James to another study hall for their N.E.W.T's and they aren't sat in the inn.

"Mostly." Regulus nods, leading them towards the warmth of the Three Broomsticks, eager to drink some butter-beer and finally heat up. February is always still freezing in Scotland, as annoying as it is to the students of the school for magic.

"Say something." Maria almost dares and Regulus raises his eyebrows at her.

"Fine—uhh. . . viens chercher de la bièraubeurre avec moi avant que je meure de froid"

"Excuse me?"

"Come and get this bloody butter-beer with me before I freeze to death." Regulus translates and Maria rolls her eyes, shoving the heavy door open and instantly feeling warmer as they step into the cozy inn. The sweet yet strong scent of butter-beer and fire whisky invading their senses, it's quite busy and Maria spots a table in a corner, perfect.

"You go get that table, I'll get the drinks." Regulus says and Maria goes to protests but he presses his finger to her lips, his ring cold on her skin and she sighs, leaning back and pressing a kiss to his finger before strolling over to the booth.

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