Chapter I

150 11 16

32 BBY

"But mum I don't like music school!" I yelled at my mother. "You come from a family of hallikset players and don't like music? Tsabin you have no choice but to go to the Theed conservatory. Now hurry along and catch up to your brothers." She said it in a angry tone where I knew I would be punished in one way or another. "Fine." I grabbed my bags and gave my mum a big hug. "Stay safe my dear and don't get yourself into trouble." I waved as I closed the door and left the house.

I was turning 14 in a few days which meant that I was expected to accept an apprenticeship . That meant I could leave this place filled with sadness and boredom. I don't want to be a musician. I want to write my own story and be different to the rest of my family.Is that so hard? They don't understand it. None of them do. Not even my brothers or my parents.

I was walking home happily from my final day today of school. It was finally over! After years of suffering and pain, it was over! I walked through the gorgeous fields full of flowers and soft,luscious green and underneath the most beautiful blue sky. Suddenly, a man approached me.He looked like he was wearing the uniform from the Royal Naboo Security Forces. "Hello Miss uh..." "Tsabin." "Nice name. I am Captain Quarash Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces." Captain Panaka asked me a series of questions. "So um Miss Tsabin, since you are turning 14 in a few days, that means you're going to take up the apprenticeship yes?" I said yes in a confident voice. "Hm ok then. I would just like to inform you that I would recommend holding that off for a few months until the elections are over."
"Uh ok Captain. Thank you for informing me."
He left as swiftly as he came.

I walked home and everyone was preparing for the upcoming elections. As I walked pass the streets full of information about the candidates, one specific banner caught my eye. Padmé Amidala. She was older than me by a few months.Everyone was looking at me.Someone even yelled "Padmé is that you?" I didn't realise how similar we were until a little girl came up to me and said "You look just like her." I looked back up at the poster thinking we looked quite alike. However, she was a perfect,smart and kind girl where as I was just a girl finding a way to disrespect her family. I would never be as perfect as Padmé. I have to admit, I was just a little bit jealous. She got elected as Queen and I was stuck there with a family of musicians who didnt understand the idea of being unique.

I was born on naboo in 46 BBY to a family of hallikset players. I have two older brothers who are already prepared for the future and what they want in life.They were born to become hallikset players.Literally. While they are happy with their futures, I have no idea what I want to do. The one thing I am 100% sure about is the fact that I am not willing to be a hallikset player.My mother is the kindest,sweetest person you will ever meet in the entire galaxy. However, she married into a family of tradition. My father on the other hand, is a strong and confident man who will not let anyone's ideas change his mind. No matter what. They were not pleased with me when I told them that I wasn't going to become a hallikset player.My father was disappointed in me. I could see it in his eyes. From that day onwards, I swore to never disappoint another person again. However, each day I feel like I am disappointing them even more. I bet my parents wish that Padmé was their daughter. She's perfect, smart and kind. I'm just a huge disappointment. I'm trash. That's what my family said to me.My grandfather almost licked me out. I'm just happy that I don't have to do the apprenticeship. Yes I seemed happy, but that was only because I could skip school.Now, I'm even happier because I have the chance to explore and see what's out there! I get to experience new things, try new foods and just find myself. My story is already set in stone. I'm just going to try my best and get myself out of this situation.

I wish I was Padmé. I love love to be queen. All my dreams would come true. My family would adore me like they did when I was born. From what I've heard, she joined the legislative youth program when she was 8 and then went around helping others on different planets. I would love to have that opportunity. I've never been to another planet. I've been stuck on naboo my whole life. I would really like to see the world. Don't get me wrong, Naboo is a beautiful planet full of nature and life. However, everyone once in a while, I wonder what it's like to live on a different planet aside from Naboo. I want to see the sky high towers and buildings of coruscant or even the mountains of Alderaan. I love my home, but I think it's time for adventure.

I wonder why Captain Panaka told me to hold off on the apprenticeship. It was a strange request. Maybe it's because I'm not meant to be part of the apprenticeship just yet. Something is bound to happen and I can't wait to find out what is going on! It's frightening yet exciting. Scary because I have no idea what's coming and I have no clue what's going on currently yet at the same time, I'm excited! I love adventures and being curious. I want to find out what's the next step or what situation I'm going to be in!

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