Chapter XII

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Later that day, I looked outside the window and saw figure of 6 moving things. At first I didn't know whether it was them or not so I went back to reading my book. Then, they were moving closer and closer to our ship. That's when I realized, it was them! I saw the little boy and he was super cute. He had short, blonde hair and look like he was maybe 8 or 9 years old. They boarded the ship and I was super happy. I waited for them to enter the throne room. "Welcome back." I said expecting a reply, but there was nobody there. Padmé and I smiled at each other then she went to the ships handmaidens quarters. "Your highness, This is Anakin Skywalker. He was promised freedom and Master Qui Gonn said that he shall train him to become a Jedi knight." "Very well Padmé." Anakin bowed down to me. "Hello Anakin." "Hi your highness!" I laughed. He is such an adorable little guy. "I am sure you are going to do very well." I said as I smiled. "Thank you your majesty." He then ran away and said hi to Obi wan.I'm not force sensitive, but I could definitely tell that Anakin was a special boy. "I shall go retire." I said as the everyone bowed down to me. The handmaidens followed me into my room. I closed the door and turned around. "EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK PADMÉ YOUR BACK!" "SABÉ!" We ran at each other and gave each other a big hug as if we haven't seen each other for the longest time. "I missed you Sabe." "How are you? We were getting worried." She told the whole story and then we started laughing. That's when I realised. "Hey where is Qui Gon? I haven't seen him at all." "Oh I'm not sure. He told us to just take off. Now that you said that Im beginning to get a little bit worried. He seemed nervous and protective of us, which is nice." We looked at each other knowing that something went wrong with Qui Gon. 

 Padmé ran into the cockpit where Obi Wan and Captain Panaka were talking. I was standing outside reading a book and eavesdropping on their conversation. "Qui Gon is in trouble, we must take off!" He was panicking, I could tell because he is usually a happy smiling man and he wasn't his usual self. "I don't see anything!" The pilot was looking around and searching for an unidentified flying object. " I stood outside and looked through the door. "Over there! Fly low."  Then , in the distance there was a cloud of dust. I was scared on the inside but smiling on the outside. "Sabé are you alright?" I don't think I've ever been so nervous of flying. "Sabé?" "Oh sorry Yané. Yes I'm fine." "Are you sure? You can always come talk to me!" "Thanks Yané" She started walking away. "No problem!" Padmé must of heard me talking to  Yané. She walked out so gracefully. "Sabé are you ok?" She could definitely sense that something was wrong. "I-I'm fine. I think. My head aches." "Oh dear. Go rest. Have a nap ok?" "Thanks Padmé." She smiled. "Thats what best friends are for." Then, she headed back into the cockpit. Obi wan mouthed the word "Are you ok?" and I nodded. He looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. I felt tired and I had a headache. So, I speedily ran into Padmé's room. It just progressively got worse when we flew into space. Then, I passed out. 

Some time later, I woke up again. Padmé was by my side. "W-What happened?" I was so confused. "You collapsed and you were just lying on the floor for about an hour." I had no idea. "You must of been too over tired." "Maybe." "Ill go get you some tea . We will be back home on Naboo soon so just sit tight for a while." "Thanks!" She smiled. "No problem!" Padmé then left the room to get me some tea. I still felt exhausted. I might go see a doctor if it gets that bad. We landed in Coruscant a few minutes later and Excited little Anakin was running around waiting to get off.  Just like me, Anakin had never been outside of his home Planet. I know what it feels like to finally be able to leave! It's such a fun experience.  

We arrived at the landing dock where Senator Palpatine, some guards and a man I don't know, were patiently waiting for us. Uncle Jar Jar , Qui Gon, Obi Wan and tiny Anakin got off first and bowed to the senator.  Then, I got off followed by Padmé, Eirtaé, Yané, Rabé and Saché. I almost tripped over. The ramp looked over the beautiful city of Coruscant. Anakin stopped to one side whilst Palpatine bowed before me. "It is a great gift to see you alive, Your majesty. May I present to Supreme chancellor Valorum." Palpatine said excitedly. "Welcome your highness. It is an honour to finally meet you in person. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position." I had absolutely no idea what to say. "I am grateful for you concern Chancellor." I replied. It was a simple answer, with little detail. After, Palpatine lead Anakin, my handmaidens and I to this little air taxi. It was so petite and small but it could carry a lot of people to where they wanted to go, so I didn't mind the size.

Hi Guys~ 

This is not actually completed but I felt bad that I hadn't written anything in a while. If you guys have any comments on this book please tell me! I would love to listen to your opinions. (Please don't be mean, this is my very first book so Im sorta new to this!)

Stay happy and healthy xoxo


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