Chapter IX

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We were flying when something hit our shield generator. Then, we decided to send droids. Suddenly, we realised that all the droids had been hit too! Except for one. That was all that was left. He then came back once it came back up. The droid was a shiny, silver colour with a sapphire blue top with lots of different buttons scattered on him. When he came back, he was all dirty and brown from the space dust. Captain Panaka started to talk about him."what's his number?" I asked because I know nothing about droids.he was called R2D2. "Clean this up the best you can. He deserves our gratitude." I said it just to make them not feel suspicious and skeptical about us. She left to go clean our droid.

I overheard the pilots talking about landing on Tatooine. I was scared after hearing my fathers story. However, I knew I was going to be safe because I am the "queen". The Jedi and Captain Panaka were arguing on wether we should actually go to Tatooine because of the hutts. They werent looking for the Queen but were still dangerous. However, they agreed on landing on the outskirts of Tatooine because they are not searching for her like the trade federation were.

Later that day, when we were just about to land on Tatooine, Padmé came over to me. "Hi there Sabé! Are you having fun as the queen?" "Yes! It's awesome yet scary. I am nervous that Im gonna make a big mistake or something." She smiled and her brown eyes twinkled under the bright lights." Don't worry so much!You are doing great!" "Thanks Padmé!" We started to laugh. "I wanna go explore Tatooine. Do you mind telling them a cover story for me?" She looked very excited to go. "Sure thing! Just make sure you are with someone all the time. Things can get pretty dangerous." "Oh have you been here before?" I then explained to her the story of my dad. She understood and left to change. I told Captain Panaka to let her observe the locals. He then took her outside where the Jedi were trekking though the coarse, rough sand. The jedi didn't look very happy when she went with them. Padmé turned around with one hand blocking the sun and one hand waving at me. I waved back politely.

The rest of the handmaidens then took me into the Queen's chamber. "Where did the real Queen Amidala go?" Queried Saché. "She wanted to go explore this mystical place." They looked shocked. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY SABÉ? THIS PLACE IS FULL OF WEIRD PERVERTED ALIENS AND DIFFERENT EVIL PEOPLE!" They were all staring at me "She demanded me to tell everyone else. She is the queen! I didn't have a choice." "Thats ok then. As long as she comes back in one piece." They then walked away to go fold clothes. Sometimes I think they are jealous of me because I get to become the queen for a little bit. Especially Rabé. She always favours the queen. Queen Amidala is like my best friend and they sense it. They are like a group of cats and mice. Im the mouse. I feel like they are gonna get me one day. Im not sure though, they seem nice and kind and sweet. Im just a little bit suspicious.It might just be me.

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