Chapter XVIII

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We ran all the way down the stairs and sprinted through the glorious hallways decorated with gold. I saw the portraits of all the previous queens that came before Padmé. Their eyes followed us the whole way. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of the pilots because we lost them. Then, I saw Padmé, Eirtaé, Captain Panaka and the two Jedi fighting of droids. Padmé and I looked at each other and I told her to go whilst Eirtaé and I destroyed those idiotic droids. She ran back to Padmé whilst I was left fending for myself. I speedily ran down that corridor towards the throne room. my heart was pounding like a beating drum and I could not be late. Then, I heard padmé tellling everyone to put down their weapons. "Throw down your weapons. They win this round." Captain Panaka must of thought she was crazy. "But we can't...." "Captain, I said throw down your weapons." "Your little insurrection is at an end, Your Highness. Time for you to sign the treaty...and end this pointless debate in the Senate." Thats when I realised that Nute was in there as well. Then, I sprinted down that corridor as fast as I could. "I will not be signing any treaty, Viceroy, because you've lost!" I said to him. I was out of breath. "After her! This one is a decoy!" Then, I realised they were talking about me. I ran even faster because droids were chasing me. Eventually, they lost me so I silently snuck back to my room to hide.

"Sabé? Are you in here?" I heard a familiar voice. "Padmé?" She ran up to me and gave me a giant hug. "Are you alright? You didn't get shot at right?" "Yeah I'm totally fine. What about you?" "Yeah I'm ok as well. I am very happy to see you alive and well!" "Me too!" We walked out of the room and towards her room. "Thank you so much for everything." We walked hand in hand. "Sabé can you please hand me that black gown and the matching headdress?" "Of course." I went to go find it in her glorious walk in wardrobe. There are so many dresses and gowns there. I handed it to her. She went to go get changed. "Here. This is your robe." "Thank you." I changed back into my robe before I did her hair and make up. "Come, let's greet the Jedi and our hero Anakin." "Ok sure!" Im assuming that Anakin must of done something heroic. Im very proud! We walked back out into the courtyard where I realised that half the palace was destroyed. The Viceroy and his other friend stood there, surrounded by guards and pilots. "Now, Viceroy, you are going to have to go back to the Senate and explain all this." Padmé said sternly. "I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye." Captain Panaka added. Everyone started to arrive back. "Congratulations on your election, Chancellor. It is so good to see you again." Padmé greeted chancellor Palpatine. He is so suspicious. He makes my blood boil. "It's good to be home. Your boldness has saved our people, Your Majesty. It is you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic." He replied. He went to do something and seemed very nervous for some reason. Super super suspicious. Padmé left and we all followed. "Come on, we must prepare for Qui Gon Jinn's funeral." I didn't realise that he passed away. Tears left my eyes as I silently cried. Luckily, no one saw because the hood covered up my face. The fire was bright and was huge, just like dear old Qui Gon's heart. I already miss him. The flame slowly went out as his body turned into a pile of grey ashes. Then, I looked in front of me where Obi Wan Kenobi was standing solemnly. I could see the tears gracefully fall from the corners of his eyes. They really came from the hole in his soul. Padmé, like a true leader, did what she had to do and no matter how sad the occasion was, she did not show any signs of the sorrow that she felt on the inside. Mad Mad, looked like she had been broken in two. We left the west wing of the Theed Palace. After dinner, I had a shower and got ready for bed. I slowly laid down on my bed and just thought about random things. That night, I couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Hello everyone~

Thank you so much for all the support! I really appreciate it. I am so sorry for releasing this late! I've just been really caught up in school work. The next chapter is going to be the last one :C. After I finish this fanfic, I will finish off "The Decoys: Padmé a short story" then start on the next book of the series!

I hope you guys are doing great!

Stay happy and healthy xx,


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