Chapter VI

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After breakfast was done, we walked padme over to the throne room and stood in separate areas. I stood behind Padmé and I was very comfortable in a warm, yellow and orange robe.It was very long and soft, just like the sand on the beach.The temperature was absolutely perfect. Not too cold and not too warm.I very focused so I was scared when there was a sudden call from the trade federation. I listened in to the conversation in case I may need to replace her later. She started to talk. "You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say,Viceroy.Your trade boycott of our planet has ended." They smirked and her underneath those layers of makeup, she looked like she was mad. They talked for a while then she hung up. "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to refresh myself before my guests come to discuss matters." She stood up and walked away.

Queen Amidala nodded at us so we followed her. Rabé, eirtaé, Yané, saché and I stood inside her room. She looked at me from inside her other room and told me to come in. She explained what happened and then said "Sabé I am so frustrated with them. I have no idea what they are going to do next. I'm so nervous, it could affect us greatly. Not even that, it could affect the whole galaxy.This could start a whole war. I'm stressed out.What do I do?"She then looked at me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back happily. "Thank you Sabé. You are a star."

The Decoys:SabéWhere stories live. Discover now