Chapter XI

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The shining sun woke me up. I heard footsteps thinking that it was Padmé and Qui Gon returning from their mini adventure. I quickly got ready and put on the queens morning gown. I did a simple hairstyle and Ran outside where the girls where waiting. "Good morning your highness."The curtsied and I continued walking towards the main area. "Padmé? Qui gon is that you?" I looked around and no one was there. Eirtaé walked over. "Your highness breakfast is ready." I followed her into the small dining area on board. It had a small squared table with 4 seats. "Is Padmé and Jedi Master Qui gon jinn on board?" I questioned. "No your majesty. They have not returned yet." Then I saw obi wan eating an apple by the tiny kitchen. " Obi wan come have breakfast with me." He walked over and sat down opposite me. Yané and rabé served the meals. "Enjoy your highness." "Thank you." They silently closed the door and brought the trays somewhere else. "So, Obi wan, what is it like being a Jedi?" I gracefully cut some fruit using glimmering gold cutlery. "It is quite interesting. You get different orders every time and I love learning from Master Qui Gon. He is a very good mentor. There is still a lot to learn." He picked up a piece  of pear and put it in his mouth after he cut it into tiny tiny pieces. "You are still a padawan learner,no?" I waited until he finished chewing. "Yes, your highness. I cannot wait until I have my own padawan. I just hope they won't be lots of trouble." I nodded then we continued to chat for a very long time.

After we finished breakfast he told me that Qui Gon picked up another "pathetic life form". The way he explained it made me laugh my head off. I thought he was talking about an animal of some sort. I later found out that he was talking about a little boy called Anakin. Him and his mother and both slaves. "I think Master Qui Gon bet a lot on him in a pod race." He explained. "This is the outer rim so they don't use galactic credits out here, so we had to bet on him to win the parts." I nodded.I hope he wins the parts. All of us are pleading to god that he wins us this part. "Oh and Master Qui Gon said that he also bet on his freedom." That's when I began to panic even more. My grandma Abana was a slave. She was promised freedom by a man who claimed that he loved her. It turns out he was one of the biggest tricksters in the entire galaxy, she just didn't know at the time. When he left, he said that he would come back. However, he never showed up. Grandma Albana was devastated.If it wasn't for my dad buying my grandma back she would still be there. She only became a slave after my father left to become a hallikset player back home on naboo when he was 13. Whilst he was there, he stayed with Grandma Albana's sister Anika and her family. Sadly, she passed away when my dad took her back to tatooine to free grandma Albana. Apparently, Anika was kidnapped by Tuscan raiders and killed.

I was nervous for the little boy because I had been promised to be free. I don't want to make him upset or end up in the position that my grandma was in. Loosing hope every minute.

Hello everyone-
Sorry the writing process is going to be even slower due to school starting up again. I apologize to everyone who is waiting for new chapters to come out. Hopefully, I will release at least one chapter a day. ❤️❤️❤️Thanks a lot guys 💕 you mean everything to me.

Stay happy and healthy xx
~ starwars_fangirl123

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