Chapter X

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We were waiting for a while, so me and the girls were talking. We actually got pretty close. Turns out, I was wrong. All of them actually really liked me and thought I was a good friend! We started to discuss our paths and our families. "The queen has always been my role model. She's so pretty and smart. So perfect and lawfully good."  We we're having such a good time. "I swear that she is every parents dream child." "Yes! She's amazing!" I said. "Your parents are proud of you whilst my parents just want me to become a hallikset. My dad  called me ugly and a disgrace to my whole family." They looked like they felt sorry and bad for me.  "Sabé! You are beautiful! Don't let him get you down.Plus, they can't decide what you want to do. You have control over yourself." "Thanks Eirtaé." Yané was just staring outside. "They are not back yet and there's a storm coming. I'm getting worried. What if something happened to them." "I'm sure they are fine Yané. The Jedi will just have to prove how good they are I guess." Rabé actually had confidence in them. I had hope but I was still not 100% sure about that. The Jedi are protectors and keepers of peace. They hopefully, just hopefully will keep her alive. I trust them. It seems like all of the handmaidens have their own special relationship with the queen. Padmé said I was the closest to her. We are best friends and I couldn't wish for another. I feel a real connection with all the girls, but padmé in particular has the strongest bond.

The sand storm finally stopped. "...cut off all food supplies until you return...the death toll is catastrophic...we must bow to their wishes, Your Highness...Please tell us what to do! If you can hear us, Your Highness, you must contact me..." I was not surprised. However, I didn't know they would go to that extent. It was horrifying and upsetting. "Its a trick. Send no reply.Send no transmission of any kind." Said Jedi Master Qui Gon Jinn. I followed his orders. After all, he knows ore about this than I do.

Soon enough, it was time for high tea. It was nice because it was almost like the airship had its own area just for me. The room was smaller compared to the one in the Theed Palace, but it was still wonderful. It was ever better and bigger than my bedroom back home on Naboo. After I finished drinking my tea and eating fresh fruit, I went back into the Queen's chamber where I looked through all of Padmé's glamorous dresses and gowns. There was one in particular that I really liked. it was a yellow ombré dress that faded into a purple then into pink. It was soft and it flows like a river. I don't think I have ever seen her wear that one. I cannot believe how they fit her entire wardrobe onto this tiny little airship! I think the whole thing is worth 100000000 galactic credits! Thats a lot of cash! Thats more than I will ever have.

It was beginning to get dark. I was getting nervous. They haven't been here since morning. However, we are not allowed to contact anyone. What if she's been kidnaped? What if she's dead? All of the worst like that could possibly happen hit you. Time passed slowly and every minute, I got more and more worried. We started to panic. "Have faith in the Jedi. The issue is that they don't know that she's the queen, they would probably protect her better if they knew who she was." Rabé saw me staring though the window and put her hand on my shoulder. "I heard they are spending the night with some locals from Obi Wan." She then walked to the door. "Goodnight Sabé." As she walked out, Saché walked in. "Oh my god Sabé Obi wan is so cute!I would die for him. I know we are not allowed to really fall in love with anyone until we resign or get fired, but he is so handsome!"I wasn't listening to what she was saying.I was too busy doing my job and worrying about the queen.  She was saying something about Obi wan or something. Isn't he like 20? She's only 15. Saché kept on going on about random things. I usually like listening to these types of things, but my stomach was chewing onto its own acid. "Well ok! I'm going to bed now Sabé. night night!" She walked out and silently closed the door.

I slept in the queens bed. It was as soft as a cloud. However, I couldn't enjoy it. My worries about Padmé kept me up.I laid there for hours until I fell asleep. I could sense something was up. I just didn't know what. I needed to be with my best friend. I hope they will come back tomorrow. I finally started to relax. I fell asleep and drifted into my dreams.

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