Chapter V

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Night dawned over us. The sky was filled with stars. All of them were twinkling. Us 5 handmaidens had our own rooms, but they were all interconnected as our doors lead into another common room which lead into the corridor. It was like a dormitory.We were all going to bed then there was a sudden knock at the door. I twisted the gold shining door handle and opened it to see who was there. "Your Majesty" I said. "No no its ok, just call me Padmé." "Yes Padmé." I replied. "It must be hard being a queen at such a young age." I was worried if she would get upset at me. She was a very smart, classy and formal. "Yes it has been difficult.I cant see my friends or even do the things I want. I loved swimming to the islands and just relaxing on the beach during school retreat. It would be nice to have friends again. Its very lonely here." I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure what. "Its very lonely in here. I talk and see people everyday but I have no freedom."  She continued to explain what it is like to be a queen at 14. We talked and talked for hours.  When she left, I felt a special connection and bond between us.

The next morning I woke up to the feeling of sunshine on my face. I looked outside and the water was glistening. I heard the early birds chirping and soaring across the sky. I waited outside Queen Amidala's room. I heard the door open so I went in. "Good morning Your highness" I curtsied as I entered. "There is no one here except you so just call me Padmé.Don't be so formal Sabé!" She said as she walked through her walk in wardrobe. "Sabé do you have any idea where that black and red gown went?" She turned around and asked me with a smile. " I think it is in the second wardrobe to the left" I replied. "Thanks a lot! Oh and also, can you please grab me that headdress that matches with my gown?" "Sure thing Padmé!I'd be happy to." I went to grab the headdress from her area of crowns and different kinds of headwear while she sat down at the vanity. I placed it carefully on her head and I did her hair. "Sorry! Does this hurt?" "Oh not at all Sabé.You are very good at this."I looked in the mirror and then at her face and smiled. I finished quickly. Then, she said "here let me do your hair." I sat down nervously as if it was illegal.She began to braid my hair.I felt comfortable with her. "Sabé, I know that we have only known each other for a few days but I feel like I could tell you anything. I feel like you are my sister or my best friend. I have never been as close to someone as I have been to you. Not even my real sister." We swapped seats so I could do her makeup. "I feel the same way. I don't think I have ever had such a close friend." I was anxious that I just assumed we were friends or I read the situation wrong. "Close friend? Sabé you are almost like my best friend!" We both looked at each other and smiled. I looked at the time and said "Gosh it's time for breakfast!" I opened the door and then called her your highness again because the guards were standing around us. The other girls and I escorted her into the dining room where she ate her breakfast. It looked delicious but I was already full from what I ate this morning.

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