Chapter XIX

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I woke up the next morning in Padmes room. "H-huh?" I was so confused. "You passed out on the floor sabé right outside my door." Padmé said worriedly. "I think you overdid it and had tired yourself out." "W-what time is it?" "08:30" "oh my goodness I'm so so sorry Padmé." "No no no don't be. Everyone needs a break sometimes." We smiled at each other and got ready for the day. "Sabé I need that white fancy gown that is on display in the main hallway." "I will go get it now! It's for the celebration today right?" She nodded. I left and on the way I saw Captain Panaka. "Sabé wait!" I turned around. "Thank you so much for protecting the queen. I owe you everything." "I'm just doing my job." He smiled and nodded. Then, he went to go talk to someone else. I ran down the same corridor with all the queens. They looked different this time. For some reason, they looked happier which is strange because they were paintings. The guards were surrounding al the important items of the palace in the special room. The gown was special because it was worn by some of the best queens of Naboo. "Identification card please." I showed them my card and they let me in. I carefully removed the dress from the mannequin. It was glamours. The sunlight shone through the crystal clear glass and lit the hallways up until they were as bright as stars. "Sabe you are back!" Padmé said as Yané did her makeup. I handed her the dress. "Thank you." I realized that she was wearing a silver bracelet that has flowers and diamonds in the centre of them. It was so beautiful. As I looked up at her, I thought of Ani. I wondered what he was doing. He was probably very busy preparing to become a Jedi knight. One day, I might see him again. Eirtaé told me that Boss Nass and a lot of Gugans were going to celebrate with us, to signal our union. "That's really cool Eirtaé!" "Naboo is a very diverse planet." Then, she left to go get ready. "Let's go Sabé!"

It was about 11:00 when everyone started to arrive. The crowds were forming and Padmé looked outside the window, smiling. " I'm so proud that I can rule such a diverse group of creatures and people on such a lovely planet." She giggled. " Come, we need to head down stairs." I followed her down the stairs and the morning sun was shining across my face. "Look!" There were so may people, from little kids to elderly people. They air was fresh and I could smell the ocean. Confetti was being thrown and a rainbow was formed. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. not because of the confetti, but because of everyone finally being able to live harmoniously in peace and the diversity being displayed. Boss Nass had arrived with a big smile across his face. He carefully got off of his ride and gracefully waltzed up the stairs. Padmé, who looked absolutely wonderful in that gown, proudly handed him the sphere. It was crystal clear.

After the celebration ended, Padmé and I walked back inside to have lunch. Knowing that we won the war made me feel more safe and comfortable, like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. We laughed and told each other stories as we ate. Yané still looked upset from what happened earlier. I walked over to her after we were excused from the table. " Yané, what's wrong? Is everything alright?" I could see the pain in her eyes and the emptiness inside her sole. " It's Obi Wan. Why didn't he tell be about her?" " Maybe he just wanted to be friends." "Maybe." Then, she just ran away.  Padmé mouthed "Is everything ok?" I shook my head as Eirtaé ran to go comfort her. "I was thinking Sabé, that maybe we could both have the day off and go do something fun?" I thought about, and my heart was thumping and beating like a drum. What if something happens to us? What happens if Padmé gets kidnapped or something, will I be the one responsible? "It would be so fun, Sabé!" " Ok let's do it!" I was shaking for some reason. We secretly left the palace wearing my handmaiden robes whilst Rabé was the "queen". She brought me to all the beautiful sports and my eyes were blessed.

Together, we ran through the city exploring all the gorgeous museums and looked at the beautiful architecture. It was the perfect end to a crazy month. "Hey Sabé?" "Yes, Padmé?" "I need to show you something." She brought me to the edge of a cliff, where we sat and watched the sunset. 

Hello everyone~

I hope you are doing well ❤️. This will be the second last chapter of "The Decoys: Sabé" 

I thought I would use this as the ending, but in the end I decided not to as I felt like it deserved better. 

Tell me your thoughts in the comment! 

Stay happy and healthy xx 

~ starwars_fangirl123

The Decoys:SabéOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora