Chapter XVI

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I woke up to the sun shining through the crystal clear windows of the star ship. Then, I saw a gorgeous blue hue from the oceans of our beautiful home planet. I quickly got out of bed and changed into a maroon and gold dress. "Morning Sabé!" "Morning Saché. How are you?" She blushed and had a sweet smile. "I'm fine thank you, I had the best dream about Obi Wan. He's so cute." I was laughing on the inside. She's likes him so much it's adorable. She left to get ready to land. She left to go get ready when Padmé walked in. "AHHHH SABÉ!" Her smile was as big as a moon. "WE ARE FINALLY GOING HOOOOOOME!" We yelled at each other! "I cannot wait to go home!" "I miss the beach and the sand and my family." She was wearing this strange ring on her finger. It had something like Aurebesh written on it. I think it's one of her signature accessories because she wears it everyday.  "I need to talk to Captain Panaka and the Jedi again." "Yes your majesty." I grabbed Eirtaé and we escorted Queen Amidala to the throne room where Captain Panaka was waiting. "The moment you we land the federation will arrest you, and force you to sign the treaty." Captain panaka looked concerned. "I agree. Im not sure what you hope to accomplish by this." Master Qui gon agreed. "I am going to take back whats ours." She replied with. Padmé is strong and confident, she always has an idea. "There are only twelve of us, Your Highness....we have no army." Captain Panaka is right. How are we supposed to fight when there are only 12 of us? "I cannot fight a war for you, Your Highness, only protect you." Qui Gon said calmly. "Jar Jar Binks" Uncle Jar Jar looked at Padmé. "Mesa your highness?" "Yes. I need your help." She started to discuss a plan about how we were going to med the friendship between the Nabooians and the gungans.

We walked to the Queen's chamber to discuss further. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that you are to be the queen again!" "Great!" I put on the dress, did my make up and  she tied my hair for me. "I think you are so pretty sabé!" "Thanks so much." I heard an announcement on the speakers. "We shall be landing soon so please pack everything up and uhhhhh we will be landing near the swamp so Queen Amidala can talk to the ummmmmmm Gugans so uh....yeah. Thank you." I turned around and looked at Padmé. "Wait what? We are going to the GUNGAN swamp?" "Yes sabé." "I wasn't aware! What shall I say?" "Just talk about how we are in need of their help and we will just see where it goes from there." "A-are you sure Padmé?What if I screw up?" "Trust me Sabé, you will do great! Im sure of it! I've been saying this since the first time you became the "queen" and I will not stop. You are a star !"

I saw the towering green trees from above, they were all ancient and beautiful. "Morning Your Majesty." Qui Gon bowed down. "Good morning master Jedi." "We shall be landing in 2 minutes time. Are you sure your plan will work your majesty?" I wasn't sure what I'm to say because I was not at the meeting. "Yes I am 100% sure. The Gugans and us Nabooians have not had the best relationship. I'm sure if we mend it, all will be fine." "I trust your plan." He bowed again and walked out. We slowly landed in a spot by the swamp. This was a part of Naboo that I have never been to. We go to lakes, not swamps. It's different and fun in its own way. We touched down and the jedi got off first to check the perimeter. Then, I got off with the girls and waited outside for instructions, I was so nervous. I didn't know what I was going to do. I hope this goes well. We had to wait for uncle jar jar to bring us to the underwater city. "I will return." Padmé followed behind me and we talked behind some trees. It was very secluded, until we realised that Obi Wan was talking to someone . Her head was on his lap and he was playing with his hair. I don't think I have ever seen Obi Wan so happy before. Padmé and I looked at each other. "We cannot tell anyone about them. For the sake of their romance and for their jobs. Obi Wan is a Jedi and she is a duchess. Im worried for their relationship." "You know her?" "That is Satine Kryze. She is much older than me but is very kind. Satine is the duchess of Mandalore so she must be careful whilst with Obi Wan. Promise me you won't tell anyone about them." "You have my word, your majesty." We walked back over to the ship when Uncle Jar Jar returned.  "Lets go." Captain Panaka said to me. We walked from the star ship to the very edge of the swamp where a gungan presented us to the boss. Uncle Jar Jar was so nervous.  Boss Nass was huge compared to us humans. 

"Dissen it." Uncle Jar Jar showed us to this ancient swap with different statues covered in moss and vines. "Heyo-dalee, Captain Tarpals." "Binks!! Noah gain!" Uh oh. Uncle Jar Jar obviously did something wrong. "We comen to see da boss." Captain Tarpals rolled his eyes. We are screwed. "Ouch time, Binks... Ouch time for all-n youse." I started to panic even more. Whats going to happen to us? We carefully followed Uncle Jar Jar to the boss.  "Jar Jar, yousa payen dis time. Who's da uss-en others??"  I stepped forward to talk to Boss Nass. "I am Queen Amidala of the Naboo...I come before you in peace."  "Naboo biggen. Yousa bringen da Mackineeks... Dya busten uss-en omm. Yousa all bombad. Yousa all die'n, mesa tink." He sounded mean, but that was reasonable because he is just trying to protect his people. "We wish to form an alliance-" "Your Honour." Padmé stepped forward. "Whosa dis?"  "I am Queen Amidala." She pointed to me. "This is my loyal bodyguard." I felt honoured. I was so proud to work for her. "I am sorry for my deception, but under the circumstances it has become necessary to protect myself. Although we do not always agree, Your Honor, our two great societies have always lived in peace...until now. The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build. You are in hiding, my people are in camps. If we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever...I ask you to help, I beg you to help us." She got down on her knees so we all followed. "We are your humble servants...our fate is in your hands." We begged him to help us. "Yousa no tinken yousa greater den da Gungans.. Mesa like dis. Maybe wesa bein friends." We did it! We convinced him to help us!

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