Chapter XV

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The sun was setting over all the towering apartments, buildings and all the different speeders were making their way home through the city. All of us were tired as can be when  we returned to Padmé's apartment. "The trade federation are messing with everything that they are not supposed to touch. It's even worse because the fate of our people is in my hands and I'm not there to help support my planet." She sat down on her bed as we started to unpack her things. "Padmé we can't really help you in this situation, but we are always here for you." "Thank you Sabé." "I shall go bathe." She left to go have a shower when we heard a knock at the door. "Good evening Sabé." "Captain Panaka." He walked into Padmé's room. "Palpatine would like to meet with her majesty later this evening." "Thank you for informing me. I will go tell her now." I went to go tell her as Rabé and Eirtaé went to chat with Captain Panaka. They didn't look very pleased. Padmé was wearing her light pink floor length beaded night gown reading a book silently. "Hey Padmé- I will captain Panaka would of told me earlier, but Palpatine would like to meet with you." She sighed. "I'm exhausted and I really don't want to see Palpatine right now, but I have a duty." She stood up "Sabé would you mind grabbing me the black gown and the assortment gold hair accessories?" "Yes your highness." I said your highness because I knew that things were going down. She got dressed and I did her hair and makeup as usual. After, the girls and I led her back into her living area where uncle Jar Jar was waiting. They were chatting for a bit until Captain Panaka and Palpatine came in with smiles from ear to ear. Oh no. Palpatine was nominated to become the senator. I hate that man, he doesn't deserve any power. Padmé didn't look pleased either. She looked as if she wasn't going to cry, but she had to be professional and keep a good relationship with Palpatine because he could sabotage her.  Then, I overheard Padmé say something. "I fear by the time you have control of the bureaucrats, Senator, there will be nothing left of our cities, our people, our way of life..." It hit me, my parents would be gone. My friends, family would just disappear. Why do they have to die? They don't deserve it. There are so many innocent people who have the need to live. What will become of us if all of us are gone? "I understand your concern, Your Majesty; unfortunately, the Federation has possession of our planet. The law is in their favor." I bet Palpatine is being sarcastic. He doesn't care about us, all he cares about his job and he doesn't do it well enough. The whole planet is in danger and I bet he is doing nothing about it. After all this traveling and hearing all this, I really want to go home,spend time with my family, see Ned. That would be really nice. "With the Senate in transition, there is nothing more I can do here...Senator, this is your arena. I feel I must return to mine. I have decided to go back to Naboo. My place is with my people." Is Padmé saying that we are going home?  "Go back!! But, Your Majesty, be realistic! You would be in danger. They will force you to sign the treaty." Palpatine is right, yes she is in danger, but she has us handmaidens to protect her. We will do anything for her. Padmé is thinking of us citizens, but Palpatine is being selfish and letting his own thoughts get in the way for being realistic.

Captain Panaka and Palpatine left and so I went into my room in the handmaidens quarters. I was packing up my stuff when I came across a photo of Ned, Caspian, Eton and I as toddlers holding hands walking along the beach. I smiled and put it on top of my clothes. Yané opened the door and came in. "Hey er Sabé." She looked embarrassed. "Hi Yané, is everything alright?" "Um no, I er heard Palpatine talking to some random dude wearing a dark-" Padmé came in. "Your majesty." We said synchronized. "Yané can you please help me pack my headwear?" She smiled. "Right away your majesty." Yané left and Padmé closed the door. "Is everything alright Padmé?" "Yeah I'm so excited that I finally get to go home. I really miss the beaches the hills and all it's wonderful luscious trees. Don't get me wrong I adore city life, it's just that I really miss being able to see the shimmering waters outside of my window instead of seeing the beautiful skyline." "I miss home too, that's why I was over the moon when you said we were heading back to Naboo." She was holding this tiny shiny gold necklace which was in the shape of our crest and had "Sabé- my best friend" engraved on the back.I want you to have this." Padmé gently grabbed my hand and place it in the center of my palm. "Thank you for all you have done. You are such an amazing best friend and as your Queen, I demand you to accept it." We both laughed. "I love being your best friend and I couldn't wish for anyone better." She grabbed me and squeezed me so tight I couldn't breathe. She left the room and we eventually packed everything in her apartment up into large suitcases and headed back home. Padmé and I were chatting on the ship. Then, she yawned. "I think I will head to bed now Sabé, I am very exhausted." She smiled. "Goodnight bestie." "Love you." "Love you too Padmé." I had to admit that I was even more exhausted. It was to the point that I collapsed onto my bed and fell asleep. That night, I dreamt about all the things I just had to do when I got home. I couldn't wait to go home.

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