Chapter XVII

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Captain Panaka and Padmé were discussing war tactics. "So what is the situation?" "Almost everyone's in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground movement. I brought as many of the leaders as I could. The Federation Army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highness, this is a battle I do not think we can win. "The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the droid Army away from the cities. We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side. Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion, so that we can enter the palace and capture the Viceroy. Without the Viceroy, they will be lost and confused.What do you think, Master Jedi?" Padmé looked at me and I looked at Captain Panaka who then looked at Qui Gon and Obi Wan. "The Viceroy will be well guarded." Qui Gon said. "The difficulty's getting into the throne room. Once we're
inside, we shouldn't have a problem." Captain Panaka explained. "There is a possibility with this diversion many Gungans will be killed." Qui Gon worried. "Wesa ready to do are-sa part." Boss Nass said proudly." "We have a plan which should immobilise the Droid Army. We will send what pilots we have to knock out the Droid control ship which is orbiting the planet. If we can get past their rayshields, we can sever communication and their droids will be helpless" Padmé said. I cannot believe that they are planning a whole war in the middle of a random field by the swamp. This is proof that in times of war 2 different species with different ideas that had an argument can unite and form an alliance. Teamwork is the key. "A well-conceived plan. However, there's great risk. The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields on the control ship." Qui gon said as he looked at Obi Wan "And there's an even bigger danger. If the Viceroy escapes, Your Highness, he will return with another droid army." "That is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy. Everything depends on it." She didn't mind the danger. Padmé is such a strong leader and I love that about her. We followed Captain Panaka back to the ship. In the blink of an eye, we had arrived at back in the hangar. Before the door opened, Padmé walked over to me. "I need you to do something for me." I listened and leaned closer. "I need you to become the queen again. Whilst the diversion is happening, I want you to sneak into my room from the window and go into the throne room through the second entrance. Captain Panaka said that once we get off, there will hopefully be security so you will not be alone." I smiled. "Thank you for everything Sabé." "Thank you for letting me do this. I'm honored."

We landed in the hangar so I jumped off the ship and ran with some pilots that were taken hostage whilst Qui gon, Anakin,Obi Wan and Padmé left. I looked back at the ship and the same blonde woman was staring at Obi wan . She must of snuck onto the ship before we left. She looked super worried. Suddenly, Yané appeared behind her and must of realised. I saw her heart sink and her eyes fill with tears. It was so painful watching her stand there looking at the man who she thought loved her love someone else. She closed the main door as I heart the sound of blasters shooting. I speedily ran with the pilots to Padmé's window and used the grabbing hook to pull ourselves up to her windowsill. That's when I realized it wasn't her room. It was my room. "What do we do now your highness?" I forgot that I was dressed as the queen and that they were not there by the swamps. I thought for a while and saw the photo of Ned and I on my bedside table. My brain kept on thinking about what Ned would do. Some pilots were getting ready to repel down. I told them not just yet. It was hard considering that my room was miles away. "We will continue with the plan, it might take longer because Sabé's room is further away from the throne room compared to my room." "On it." I opened the window using the spare key which was in my pocket. The good thing about the palace was that you could open the windows from the outside, as long as you had the key, which was always with Padmé. We ran into my room then into the handmaidens common room. I saw Sio Bibble was taken hostage so I told the pilots to free him. They did it quickly and speedily. "Hurry now, we have a job to do."

Hello everyone~
I felt really bad that I hadn't not released a chapter in a long time so I decided to publish part of a chapter. It is not complete but I will keep adding to it. I hope you are doing well
Stay happy and healthy xo
~starwars_fangirl123 💕

Update: I have finally finished this chapter! I am so sorry for the delay ❤️

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