Chapter XIII

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I heard a knock at the door.It was Anakin. "Hey  buddy." "Hello your majesty." He sat down on Padmé's bed. "Can I tell you a secret?" "Sure thing!" I looked at him and he looked nervous. "I feel an emotion that I haven't really felt about anyone before." I turned around. He's probably thinking about Padmé. Ive see the way he looks at her. He's so sweet and cute. "She's an angel and she called me a funny boy. I don't know how to explain how I feel." I smiled. "Your in love, Anakin." "In love? I love my mum but I've never felt like this before." I giggled. "No Ani, a different kind of love." He looked very confused. "What do you mean?" "It's not the same. You feel a different way. Maybe-"then Padmé walked in and Anakin started to blush. "Your majesty." She curtsied before me. "Padmé. How are you?" "I'm good thank you. Your majesty Emperor Palpatine is waiting in the parlor." I could tell that Anakin had a serious crush on her. What can you say? She's gorgeous. "Thank you Padmé." I winked at her on the way out and she winked back at me. "Come now Anakin." I said as he followed. We left to the parlor. Anakin stood outside. "Greetings Your highness." "Hello Emperor." I hated him. He's such an idiot and so selfish. " Can you like go away and stop annoying us?!" Is what I wanted to say, but what came out was "How are you doing?" "Fine thank you. I shall call some guards to escort us to my apartment." Palpatine offered me his hand. I stood up and we left. "Anakin we are leaving. Come along now buddy." He left to the ship whilst Padmé and I swapped outfits

We arrived at Palestine's apartment. I was driving down patiently waiting for Captain Panaka with Palpatine. I cannot stand that man. He's selfish, mean and just a pain in the butt. I was starting to get impatient because I can't bare to be in a room with this idiot. He's crazy. I seriously think there is something wrong with him. Something is gonna happen. I'm sure of it.

Anakin was standing outside the room. He was quiet and looks worried. I think he knows that I don't like senator Palpatine. Uncle Jar Jar hates him too. I just don't like him. He is really suspicious, but I can't work out why. I think he's very shady. Palpatine started pacing. Then, Captain Panaka rushed in. "Sorry everyone." "Thats ok Captain." He sat down huffing and puffing. Almost like he ran here. I stood behind Padmé,  who was wearing a gorgeous dress with a pretty beaded headdress.  They started to talk so I tuned out. Padmé always gives me a summary at the end of every meeting so its ok. Anakin was sitting in another room. I couldn't stop thinking about what he said to me. He's so young and innocent, and he really likes Padmé. I can tell by the way he talks about her.

I know how he feels. My dad met his best friend, Kev Waterson ,back in university when they were both becoming hallikset players. From what I have heard, both of them were jokers and were the class clowns. Sometimes, my dad acts like a 15 year old because he is so funny! That's a side of my dad. He has two sides. He can be funny yet strict. He always wants what is best for us kids.  Kev got married to the kindest woman I have ever met, Vanessa waterson. She always treated me like her own child and always looked after me. Vanessa and Kev had two kids, Ned and Caspian. Caspian is 1 year and 1 month older than me and Ned is 3 years older than me. 2 years and 8 months to be exact. He has this short, brown hair and these small freckles that cover up his cheeks. He looks exactly like Vanessa with his big brown eyes and his identical smile. I met Ned and Caspian when I was 4 months old. Our parents always joked how Ned and I would grow up to be a couple, but I'm not sure. He already has his Star pilot license. He's a 17 year old whilst I'm only 14. It's hard, because I barely see him anymore.  I'm too busy being the "queen" and he's too busy being a successful person at school. Ned is athletic, smart and very creative. He is very well rounded and I sorta miss him. The kids at his school don't treat him as a nerd, they treat him as a popular kid. Anakin is such a sweet little boy, I don't want his heart to get broken. My oldest brother Zeo got heart broken once, and he was depressed for weeks. I just don't want that to happen to Anakin. Love will either break him, or make him.

Rabé could probably sense my deep thoughts. Like I said before, she's probably faking everything. She was just starting at me with a stink eye. Even when she said to me "oh no! I don't hate you!" I still thought that she hated me! It's so obvious! Even Padmé thinks she is sorta fake. However, the difference between Padmé and I is that She can see the good in people, where as I can't. She only focuses on their positive side. Padmé is just an angel. She makes people look at the bright side at life. Thats why she is my best friend and I'm super proud of her.

Hello everyone!
As the weeks go by, I am getting busier and busier by the minute. I'm sorry that I haven't really posted in a while but I will try to post at least once a week. I would really love to hear your opinion :). Love you all ❤️
~ starwars_girl123 XOXO

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