Chapter XIV

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The meeting was over so we took an air taxi to Padmé apartment. She gave me a quick summary incase I needed to become the "queen".  Padmé then looked at me from her bedroom and told me to come in.  "Im a little bit upset at Palpatine." I looked at her and she seems very sad about something. "What's up?" She then started to explain things to me and that's when everything made sense. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." "Thank you sabé." I gave her a hug and she started to sob. Padmé then wiped her tears. "No, I will not cry, I am stronger than this." She ran into the bathroom and washed her face. "I have to go for a debate with Palpatine and the trade federation." "Ok! I'll get you ready." I helped her pick out her dress and her special headdress. "Here, take this." I passed her the dress and she quickly changed. Then, I coated her face in a layer of white face paint and added small red dots on both cheeks. I continued to paint the traditional Naboo makeup. She was ready. We left pack into her main area. Padmé sat down on her bed and looked at all her jewelry while the girls and I started to pack her bags so she could bring them to the debate. "You look so pretty!" "Thanks Sabé! I-" she was interrupted by Rabé talking to the guards outside. "Let him in." She said to the guards. The doors opened and little anakin waltzed in. "I'd like to speak to Padmé, if I could." "I'm sorry Ani, Padmé is not here right now." Rabe replied. I walked into to Padmé's bedroom to pack more dresses. "Who is it?" Queen Amidala enquired. "Anakin Skywalker, to see Padmé, your highness." He is so kind and caring and he was looking for Padmé. Anakin Little did he know, she was right there standing in front of him. They started to talk and then he left. I saw a tear fall down her cheek created a skin colour path in a sea of white face paint. "I-I don't think that I've ever been so touched. Anakin is such a sweet boy. I just wish I could tell him the secret." "But that risks your safety, Padmé." "It's a risk worth taking." I sighed and I could feel her pain.
Our families (The Drils,the Watersons and the everlets(Mac Everlet is my dad and Kev's other best friend. He has a son called Eton who is close with Ned and I))went on vacation to one of the most beautiful beach on the whole planet. My whole extended family came along too. We usually go every year, but this year was special because the Everlets and the Watersons don't come. There was a playground with different types of fun things. For example, a slide, monkey bars and 2 swing sets. It was located right next to the resort pool, where all of my family (I have 15 cousins,4 aunts and 4 uncles just from my fathers side.) were swimming and having the times of their lives. Eton, Ned and Caspian were taking turns on the netted swing, which was round and could fit two people. Ned got on first and Eton helped   Me onto the swing. The swing was leaning towards Neds side because I was so much lighter than he was. Then, he pushed off. We were both laughing until our stomachs aches. Our backs were rubbing against each other and I just couldn't stop smiling. He helped me off and Eton (who is the same age as Caspian) decided to get on himself. Ned lead me to the playground structure which had a slide,monkey bars, a bridge and a clubbing wall on the side of it. We watched Eton and he flipped over! The whole swing flipped! We were laughing our heads off. "Sabe? Sabé are you alright?" "Huh? Oh yeah sorry Padmé I was just thinking about something. What were you saying? I blanked out." I was so embarrassed. "No problem Sabé. I was just saying how you were right. It's not safe. Thanks sabé." I hugged her and she squeezed me. ""It's alright, I was just looking out for you. Now, let's go get you to that debate."

We took an air taxi to the debate. The girls and I were sitting in an empty auditorium with cool little floating pod things that's made sure everyone could have a look. The pods were connected to a main control. Coincidentally, the one with the controls was right next to the door. Yané decided to click the control button and all of us were on different platforms. We started to move around and we got separated from the rest of the still ones. Saché looked very suspicious and she had an idea. "Hey you know what we should do guys?" The rest of us were so confused. "We should have a debate about stupid things!" We smiled and looked at each other. "Like how Saché thinks how Obi wan is cuter than that little boy Anakin." Rabé joked over the microphone. "Hey! They are different types of cute! Anakin is an adorable little boy cute and Obi wan is a hot type of cute." I giggled. I'm not going to lie, Ned is cuter. Yané blushed. "I bet Anakin is going to be cuter than Obi wan."  "Yeah right Yané. My Obi wa-" "YOUR Obi wan?" We all were laughing like we had never laughed before. "Im with Yané on this one. I bet that anakin is gonna be a super successful AND hot as Jedi! Padme will be one lucky woman." Eirtaé claimed that she thinks Obi wan will definitely be hotter than Anakin. "No doubt that Obi wan will look good for the rest of his life AND look better than Anakin at the same time." They started to debate about it which was quite funny. Rabé and Yané vs Saché and Eirtaé. "Lets just wait and I" I exclaimed. Then I started to think, but Jedis are not allowed to Love right? Thats so risky. If Padmé and Anakin actually end up together, it could end both of their careers and all that they had worked for. I just feel like they would definitely be a cute couple, but I have a feeling that something would happen. Suddenly, the Pods started to drop at a frighting speed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Rabé yelled. Then, Saché raised her hand and held us up. My heart was beating like a drum. It happened so quickly and I was still in shock. We were all just staring at Saché. "Saché, y-your force sensitive?" Eirtaé enquired nervously. She nodded and looked embarrassed. "Why didn't you tell us?" "I was too scared to tell anyone and my parents told me not to tell anyone, because they were afraid they were going to take me away for Jedi training. " I was so confused. "But why Saché?" Yané asked. Saché looked like she was going to break down into tears. "My parents are not supposed to be married. My dad was a Jedi knight and my mum worked for the Queen. When she found out she was pregnant, she told the Queen and her majesty helped her out. The queen was so sweet and kind and treated her like a sister. She looked after her and told my mother that love is love and she couldn't do anything about it. My dad on the other hand, staged his own death so the Jedi wont find out about me. I look exactly like my dad, so he was afraid they were going to find out that I was his daughter." Rabé was actually crying. "Im so sorry to hear that Saché." She sighed. "Its ok Rabé. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I was a Jedi, and the saddest thing is that I dreamt about being a jedi since I was young. I only found out about my parents last year. I actually only ended up here because the Queen wanted me to work for our current queen when I was older as a way of appreciation. If it wasn't for the Queen demanding my mother to make me work for her, I would be a Jedi. It would of been amazing." Thats such a shame. Your parents can have a real effect on you. At least now we know what would happen if Padmé and Anakin would ever get together sometime in the future. Saché carried us to her pod and then we got off. Queen Amidala was already done with her debate and Ellé and Monteé were following her. She looked so upset. Something was obviously up, she didnt seem like her normal happy self.

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