Chapter 9~ Care the Vampire

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Charlotte's POV:

A new day and I was back on my feet. Can't say the same for my brothers. I found out from Stefan this morning when driving here, that Damon paid a late visit to Elena's last night and killed Jeremy. He forgot to quickly add that Jeremy has the Gilbert ring on making me almost crash my car.

Anyway, there was a festival going on at school today. I swear there is always something going on at this school. Like how much money do they get from the council?
Anyway, I took charge of the event since Caroline was still in the hospital. I see why she likes doing these jobs, she gets to boss people around and they listen.
I could get used to this.

"I mean Kathrine looked just like you, it was freakish." Bonnie spoke to Elena.
They were both following me around like lost puppy dogs.
"Well she is my ancestor." Elena replied.
"Hey I'm moving the student booths into the cafeteria." I speak up and tell them.
"Your vampire ancestors, and she didn't resemble you. Like a family member would, she was just like you." Bonnie pressed making me sigh and roll my eyes.

"I-I don't know why, I can't explain it. Ok? It's creepy, that's all I got." Elena said.
"How do you know she's still not out their pretending to be you?" Bonnie asked.
"After what happened with me last night, I don't think she'll be pulling that stunt again." I smile making them look at me in confusion and shock.

I just shrug my shoulders and move on to a different stand, them two still following.
"Now you two can either sit here and be tortured or help me get these prizes to the Ring Toss." I say.
"Have you talked to Damon since he killed Jeremy?" Bonnie asked making both Elena and I freeze. Neither of us had.

"No Bonnie, we haven't and we won't. We don't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related ok?" I ask politely handed her and Elena the prizes to take. Elena looked relieved.
"Copy that." Bonnie giggled as she waved the snakes around.
They then walked off still talking.

After a while of making sure everything was up to Caroline's standards, which let me tell was not easy. I thought I was going to break a sweat which would have ended badly in the white vintage blazer I was wearing. Now back on track, I went to find Jeremy to give him the vervain bracelet. He wanted my trust I'm going to give it to him.

"Hey Jeremy!" I called to him by the lockers.
"Charlotte!" He said as he wrapped me in a tight hug. Woah was not expecting that.
"Hey, listen I have someth-" But Jer cut me off.
"No Char wait. I'm so sorry, I've been a dick to you these past few days, when you've shown me nothing but kindness. I truly am sorry." He said, I smiled gently at him.
"It's ok Jer, I forgive you and I get it. Don't worry. And I'm sorry too, about Anna. I should have been there." I spoke.
"It's fine Char." He said and held my arm.

"Anyway, I have something for you. It's a bracelet of vervain. So no one can compel you anymore, I figured you'd want it after everything you told me." Jeremy looked like he could hug me into the next century from the smile he gave me.
"So this will protect me against compulsion." He asked and even sniffed it making me giggle.

"Vervain is toxic to vampires." I inform him.
"What you mean like poison?"
"Yeah it's very poisonous. It will keep Vamps out of your head."
"But why vervain?" He asks making me breath out stumped as I leaned onto the lockers.
"I don't know. Just some natural herbs and some other elements, that are just harmful to vampires." I speak.
"Like a stake to the heart?"

He was getting very curious right now, and like I told Kathrine last night 'curiosity killed the cat'. But at the same time I didn't want to leave him in the dark anymore, he had the right to know everything.

"Alright, but it has to be wood." I giggle.
"Your pretty confident in yourself to tell me all the different ways to kill you." He smirked and joked, making me laugh out loud.
"Jeremy if I thought you wanted to kill me I would be having a much different conversation." I say.

Charlotte SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now