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The next few days were rather difficult.

We both found that it was easier for me to just stay at Christians so I could help him out. He was not adjusting to this new way of living very well. Christian is the kind of guy who finds it difficult to sit still, and with this injury, all he could do was that. Luckily, he was given some pain meds that made him loopy. Plus we found some good movies to keep him busy.

It had been a couple of days since we got back from Miami. We were sitting in his living room together with a movie on. Christian sat on the larger of the couches so he could keep his leg propped up while I sat in a chair with a blanket over my legs. I wasn't paying the most attention due to the fact that I was writing up a report of the past few series. However, Christian seemed to think that the Goonies was the most interesting thing he has seen in a while. As the movie came to an end, so did Christian's attention span.

"Mo" he says looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes baby" I answer him. Instead of just saying something, he opens his arm as though he was telling me to come cuddle up to him. Working was okay but I would much rather be in his arms. Sighing in defeat, I got up and went to his side. He moved over to where I was able to get on the inside of the couch. I wasn't worried about hurting his leg due to the fact that it hasn't stopped us from cuddling.

As I crawl into the spot he made for me, the next movies starts to play. 50 first dates is just one of those movies that never gets old. Christian starts to play with the ends of my hair, something he knows always calms me down and helps me relax. I wouldn't say that I wasn't already relaxed, but it has been hard for me to sleep recently with all of the things I am juggling. While the movie plays I can feel my eyes continue to get heavy.

"Mo just take a nap baby" I can hear Christian say.

"no I'm okay" I say as I'm falling asleep. My eyes continue to get heavier and heavier before I give up and just leave them closed. I start to drift in and out of consciousness when I hear what I think was Christian saying something.

"I'm in love with you Morgan".

The next home series began the following Tuesday and Christian was allowed to attend. With his leg still being injured, he couldn't really do a whole lot, but his team wanted him there. Craig agreed that Christian could stay in the dugout as long as he stayed off of his knee and took it easy. I knew that with him being down there, the guys could help keep him off his knee.

Joseph and I finished all of our pregame things down on the field then headed up to the booth to ride out the game until we were needed at the end.

"How's Christian?" Asked Joe.

"He's getting there. The medicine the doctors have him on is pretty strong and makes him pretty loopy at times, but he's getting better at handling the whole situation." I tell him.

"I meant more like the relationship between you two."

"I'm crazy about him. I think he feels the same about me but I'm just terrified of rushing things. It feels like it could be something serious eventually and I don't want to mess it up. Plus he could have any girl he wanted but he chose me."

"Morgan you won't mess it up. If he doesn't see how great you are than that's a him problem. You can't let this fear of messing up hold you back. I can tell that kid is crazy about you." He tells me

"Thanks Joe. Now let's watch this game."

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