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"Thank you and goodnight Wisconsin"

Tonight's games was not one that people wanted to remember. The Brewers took a heart breaking 5-4 loss in a 10th inning. It was hard to watch the team I've grown close to lose in such a close game. Christian went 0-4 at the plate which was extremely unlike him. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, but something was up with him.

I helped Joesph break down some of the equipment as the last few upset fans trickled out of the stadium. It was now almost midnight.The team was somewhere in the clubhouse that I could only assume was filled with an upset quiet. The grounds crew went around picking up bases and various things around the field. Few words were shared between Joesph and I as we packed the last things away. There were a few game reports I needed to work on. I knew if I were to take it home it would have been days before I got it done. I grabbed the clutch I kept with me on the field and started towards my office. My phone had various notifications on it. One that stood out was the amount of missed calls from my mom along with a text from her telling me to call her when I got the chance.

I plopped down in the rolling chair in my office before opening my phone and pressing my moms contact and waiting for it to connect.

"Hi sweetie"

"Hey mom. Sorry I missed your calls. It was a rough game tonight. What's going on?" I ask her. She pauses for a second before continuing.

"Sweetheart it's your grandmother. She's not doing too good. She was having trouble getting around and was extremely weak.We are at the hospital now with her and the doctors are running test. We don't exactly know what's going on but we know it's not good."

"Do I need to fly home? I can request a few days off for personal reason. I could be down there probably as soon as tomorrow morning if I need to- "

"Morgan that's not necessary. We've got things covered here. You need to worry about that glamorous job of yours. We can figure things out. I'll keep you updated on her okay. I love you dear and you need to get some rest."

" I love you too mom. Tell grandma I love her too." I tell my mom. It took a lot to hold back the tears that were threatening to overflow at any second. We said our goodbyes and my mom went to be by my grandma. It was never news anyone wanted to hear. The news that you might be about to lose someone so important. I buried my head in my hands and let a few silent tears fall.

"Rough day?" Says a familiar voice. I wipe the last of my tears before looking up at those brown eyes that have grown to have an impact on me.

"Umm... yeah something like that" I sniffles looking up at Christian. I must have missed a few tears because his face changed to a concerned one and he shut the door.

"Hey what's wrong? I know it's was a rough game but you don't have to cry about it." Christian walks over and turns my chair to face him as she squats on the floor. I feel my eyes start to well up again and that knot in my throat reform.

"It's my grandma.She's not doing to good. My mom said that I don't need to fly down there but I'm worried Christian. What if I never see her again?" At this point, my tears were racing to see which ones would make it to the bottom of my face first. Christian reaches up and wipes them away.

"Mo it will all be okay. I'll be here every second and if you want me to, I'll fly down there if you have to go" he tells me grabbing my hands. I look at the random things in my office to try to push back more tears. "Lets go home and you can get some rest. It 12:30 am and we have to travel tomorrow."

"But I need to to get some work done" I tell him finally meeting his eyes. Sympathy and a look that shows he genuinely cares in on his face. After some of the things I went through in previous relationships, it's sometimes hard to believe that people can actually care about me.

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