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I woke up the next morning shocked that I was in my living room. My hair was still wet from the previous nights shower. Usually after I shower I just go to my bed, not my couch.

I sat up and looked around me. I noticed a figure on my other couch that startled me at first. Then I remembered the events of last night and a wave of calm washed over me. I rubbed my eyes as my stomach started to growl at it's emptiness. I got up and luckily I had thought about putting on a sports bra last night before I went to bed. I walked back to my bathroom to brush my teeth and grab my glasses for I had no will to put in contacts this earlier. It was about 10:15 when I passed the kitchen and saw the clock on the stove. I looked in my pantry and in my fridge to see what I could possibly cook for breakfast. I saw my bagels sitting on the counter, but decided to make something for the sleeping figure in my couch.

Before I began anything I started making a pot of coffee. As the heavenly drink brewed, I look back at my pantry for something to cook. I glared at the pancake/waffle mix and thought that would be a good idea. Then I recalled how I never knew if Christian liked pancakes or waffles. After going back and forth for a bit, I settled on making some French toast and bacon. I tried to make minimal noise to avoid waking up Christian. I made the bacon first and the French toast last. As I finished up cooking, the figure on my couch started to stir awake. Before long a pair of brown eyes met with mine.

"Cute hoodie. Where'd you get it?" He smirked at me. I looked down at the clothes on me and noticed that it was indeed his hoodie I was wearing. I guess I was half asleep getting dressed after my shower last night and didn't even notice that I threw it on.

"I don't quite remember. I think some thrift store." I remarked back at him. His eyes quickly scanned over me. I remembered also how I had no makeup on, my hair wasn't straightened, and I had my glasses on. "I made French toast and bacon if you wanted some and I also made a pot of coffee. I was going to make pancakes, but I didn't know if you liked waffles better."

"Pancakes. But I'll eat anything I don't have to cook. Thank you for this." He says walking over to the kitchen. I smile back at him as I open the cabinet with my mugs so I could get some coffee. I saw a mug I got a while ago and decided it was going to get used today. However, even on my tippy toes I couldn't reach it. Christian must have seen me struggling and getting defeated, so it wasn't long before he came and got it for me, along with one for himself. I rolled my eyes as my lack of height got in the way once again.

"So what are your plans for this week?" Christian ask me as he goes to fix himself a plate.

"Well I have graduation Thursday. So I'm sure that I'll be rushing around getting a few last minute things in place. My family is flying up here for it, but they are staying in a hotel, but I still need to straighten up my apartment. Other than that I'm pretty much free. What about you?"

"I have a game Tuesday and Wednesday then I'm free for the rest of the week. Well except a friend of mine is getting married next weekend and I wouldn't mind a date" he tells me.

"I mean I have friends who would love to say they were Christian Yelich's date to a wedding. Take you pick." I respond as I take a sit of my coffee.

"I was actually talking about you. That's if you don't have anything with your family. If not it's totally okay." He tells me as he starts to rub the back of his neck from anxiety.

"I'd love to. My family is flying in Wednesday and leaving Friday, so you wouldn't have to worry about that getting in the way." I tell him.

We finish the rest of our breakfast and coffee. Christian stayed a little while longer, then helped me clean up dishes and the living room. Even when I told him he didn't have to, he did it anyways. It wasn't long until he left. I understood why he would want some time along, and he has a house of his own.

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