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I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain pattering on my window with subtle rolls of thunder behind it. The alarm clock next to my bed read 10:15. This was usually early for me especially for a Saturday after finals, but there was something different about today. Today was game day. I got to sit right above the dugout and watch my favorite sport. The game wasn't until 4 so there was plenty of time for nerves to build upon my already uneasy stomach.

I forced myself out of my bed and into my kitchen where I started to make myself a late breakfast. I started making something that my mom would always make me when my stomach was uneasy. It was simply a piece of bread and cheese broiled in the oven. It made me feel better every time and now that I'm away, it makes me feel at home. After I put the toast in the oven, I began to make myself a glass of orange juice. My phone chimed letting me know I had a text.

Good morning Mo. All of your stuff is set for today. If you want I can come pick you up early and give you a grand tour of the stadium. The roof of the stadium will be closed today because of the weather.Oh and don't forget to wear my name on your back

Sorry but the only Brewers shirt I have doesn't have your name on it. I'd actually love a tour of the stadium. I just don't want to get in your way and distract you.

Nah I'll be good. Don't worry about getting in the way because you won't. I'll pick you up at about noon so we have time for your tour and so I can get ready and stuff.

I glanced up at the clock noticing that it was 10:30 and my toast was almost ready. I took my toast out and turned off my oven before going back to my room and eating.

Sounds like a plan. I'm about to hurry and eat so I can take a shower and get ready. Just let me know when you are on your way.

I set my phone back down and quickly ate my toast, not being able to enjoy it. I threw my paper plate away and set my cup in the kitchen sink to wash later. I turned on the shower and connected my phone to my speaker before playing the Newsies Soundtrack. It was a favorite of mine and my moms. I quickly washed and conditioned my hair before washing the rest of my body. I hopped out the shower and brushed my teeth before I went to get ready. I threw on my navy blue Brewers shirt and leggings due to the weather and not wanting to get wet. I dried my hair and straightened it and even put on some eyeshadow and mascara. I looked outside my window and saw that it wasn't raining anymore, so I quickly changed into a pair of black shorts that I thought would look good. I put on some deodorant and perfume before sliding on my white vans. My phone chimed letting me know that someone wanted to talk to me.

Your chariot awaits.

I smiled before grabbing my rain jacket if it started raining again, my phone, and my wallet. I ran down the stairs outside my apartment to see a familiar white Mercedes. Christian got out and was wears a simple pair of grey sweatpants and a Brewers shirt.

"What happened to my name" he asked me.

"Didn't have a shirt that was that special." I replied as I got into his car, setting my rain jacket on the floor board. We left my complex on the way to the stadium, making small talk through the short drive.

We arrive and Christian drove up to a gate at the bottom of a slope.

"Can you hand me the key card in the glove box please" he ask. I open in and dig around for this key card he needs before handing it to him.  He scans the card and the gate before us opens. We drive through the garage until we find the closest available parking spot. We get out the car and I decide to leave my rain jacket in the car due to the fact that the roof would probably be closed today and I wouldn't have to worry about it. Christian goes to the trunk of the car and grabs a duffle bag with the stuff he needs in it before locking the car. We start towards a door before someone hollers at us.

"Hey Yeli. You took my spot". We both turn around to notice none other than Ryan Braun walking up to us. Christian turns around and walks to great him as I awkwardly follow behind.

"Hey, should've gotten here earlier." He says as he goes to greet his teammate. It wasn't long before I became the top of conversation

"And who is the pretty lady you brought?"he ask me. "Hi I'm Ryan".

"Hi I'm Morgan. It's nice to meet you." I respond.

"I was going to give her a tour of the stadium before everyone got here. Apparently she likes baseball given that she likes the Astros." Christian butts in.

"Where'd you meet this girl Yeli" He ask us. We share a short laugh before answering.

"It's a long story" I tell him.

"As long as you are cheering for the right team then it's not my business" he responds. "I'm going to get going. I'll see you in there Yeli. It was nice meeting you Morgan."

"You too" I tell him as he walks towards the door that we were previously making our way to. Silence somewhat falls between Christian and I as we make our way into the building. We walk in the direction that Braun was going. We ended up at the locker room.

"I'm going to run in and set my bag down and we can get started on your tour." Christian tells me. "You can come in or wait out here if you want to. It's up to you"

"I'll stay out. I know girls aren't supposed to go into the boys locker room." I answer him.

"Suit yourself. I'll be right back" He tells me. And he was right. No sooner than I had gotten comfortable leaning against the wall, Christian had come back out.

"Now let the fun begin"

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