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I woke up the next morning shocked that I was in my living room. My hair was still damp from the previous nights shower. Usually after I shower I just go to my bed, not my couch.

I sat up and looked around me. I noticed a figure on my other couch that startled me at first. Then I remembered the events of last night and a wave of calm washed over me. I rubbed my eyes as my stomach started to growl at it's emptiness. I got up and luckily I had thought about putting on a sports bra last night before I went to bed. I walked back to my bathroom to brush my teeth and grab my glasses due to the fact that I had no will to put in contacts this early. It was about 10:15 when I passed the kitchen and saw the clock on the stove. I looked in my pantry and in my fridge to see what I could possibly cook for breakfast. I saw my bagels sitting on the counter, but decided to make something for the sleeping figure in my couch.

Before I began anything I started making a pot of coffee. As the heavenly drink brewed, I look back at my pantry for something to cook. I glared at the pancake/waffle mix and thought that would be a good idea. Then I recalled how I never knew if Christian liked pancakes or waffles. After going back and forth for a bit, I settled on making some French toast and bacon. I tried to make minimal noise to avoid waking up Christian. I made the bacon first and the French toast last. As I finished up cooking, the figure on my couch started to stir awake. Before long a pair brown eyes met mine.

"Cute hoodie. Where'd you get it." He ask me. I look down and find myself wearing the hoodie he gave me the first time we met. I must have put it on last night without thinking about it.

"I think some thrift store. I don't quite remember" I tell him smirking. I make my way over to my coffee pot to retrieve the holy brew. I open the cabinet above to decide which mug is wanted to use. I decided on on that just so happened to be higher than my reach. Even on my tippy toes I couldn't get it. As I turned around to go get a chair from the table to step on, I ran into the previously sleeping figure. I couldn't help but notice the lack of space between Christian and I as he reached over me to grab the mug and one for himself. It was this moment that I realized that my hair was not straightened, I had my glasses on, and I was only in a bra, hoodie, and Nike Pros.A subtle blush rose to my cheeks, but I tired to make it go unknown. He handed me my mug and we quickly exchanged Thank yous.

"I was going to make pancakes, but I didn't know if you were a pancakes or waffles kind of person" I tell him "So I settled in French toast and bacon."

"This is perfect. But if you really want to know, pancakes. You can do more with them." He responds as he fix his plate. I grab the syrup from the pantry and set it out.

"I couldn't agree more." I tell him. We take seats at my small kitchen table and begin to eat.

"So what all do you have planned for this week" He ask me

"Well my family is flying in Wednesday for graduation on Thursday, then leaving early Friday morning. I'll probably spend the days leading up to that getting stuff ready and cleaning. What about you?"

"I have games Tuesday and Wednesday, but other than that I'm free."

We go about the rest of our meal with small talk. Sometimes talking about things as simple as my couches and how comfortable they are.

It wasn't long until the meal was over and I started on the dishes. Christian went into the living room to start picking up blankets and the to go boxes from the previous night. We said our goodbyes after and I spent the rest of the day cleaning and thinking about the night before

"Morgan Bailey Russet" the dean called as I walked across the stage. I shook hands with the person handing out the diplomas before smiling for a picture. I make my way back to my seat as I watch the rest of the graduates receive their diplomas.

Before long, we stand and move the tassel on our cap from one side to the other. Seconds later the air was polluted with the hats if graduates. As the ceremony came to an end I set out to find my family. I spotted the group of three and made my way towards them

"Oh my goodness my little Morgan is all grown up now!" My mom says as I make my way toward them. She is quick to engulf me in a hug and crush the air out of me. My dad noticed my discomfort and spoke up.

"Geez Monica , let her put that degree to use before to try to kill her." He says. I smile before walking over to him and giving him a hug. My dad always supported me, no matter what I did.

"Oh my god" I hear my brother Marshal say as I let out of the hug with my dad. My dad looks up and follows where my brother was looking. His face takes the same shocked look as my brothers. I turn around and see none other than Mr. MVP himself.

"Congrats Mo! You did it" Christian says. I turn around a give him a quick hug before turning back to my family.

"Y'all, this is my friend Christian. Christian, this is my mom, Monica, my dad, Jason, and my brother, Marshal" I introduced.

"Morgan how the hell do you know Christian Yelich!" My brother exclaims. My mom was quick to scold him on his language around someone new.

"It's a long story" I tell him. There was a bit of awkwardness about to descend on our conversation. My mom quickly went to greet Christian.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Monica. It's so nice to meet you" she says as she goes to embrace him in a hug. My dad shakes his hand and they exchange a few words about baseball.

"You might not be from the Astros, but it's nice to meet you" My dad says. Christian lets out a bit of a laugh.

"That's what Mo said" he laughs. Me and my dad share a subtle laugh.

"Christian, dear, would you mind taking a picture of our family please" My mom ask, handing him her phone. He takes it and we all get to where we can take the picture.

"Okay now let me get a few of you and Christian now Morgan" My mom says. I awkwardly walk over to Christian and shoot him a smile of sympathy before we take some pictures. I walk over to my mom before asking her to not post those pictures anywhere. She agrees with a face the doesn't quite understand what I'm asking.

"Well we better get back to our hotel. We've got an early flight tomorrow." My dad says getting the rest of my family's attention. We say our goodbyes and we all go our separate ways. Luckily, my parents got a rental car for their time her so I wouldn't have to wake up ridiculously early to bring them to the airport.

"You know you didn't have to come" I tell Christian as we walk towards my car. I shrug off my gown but I keep my cap on.

"Yeah but maybe I wanted to. Just like how I want to take you out to dinner to celebrate" He tells me. I smile as I grab my keys to unblock my car.

"I'm down. What kind of food were you thinking?" I ask him and I start to put some things in my car.

"Well that my fair lady, is top secret. You are just going to have to trust me" He tells me as he leans against my car.

"I trust you. I just need to know how fancy to dress and how we are getting there." I tell him as I shut my door and turn back to face him.

"Just wear what you have on now. I really like that dress. And we can take my car" He tells me. I smile at the complement.

"Can we at least stop by my place and drop my car off?" I ask.

"Of course princess" He says. We get in our separate cars and made our way towards my place before dropping off my car. I parked in my usual spot and fixed my hair a little before grabbing my purse and walking over to Christian's car.

"Did I ever tell you how amazing you look?" He tells me as I open the door to his Mercedes and sit down.

"What's with all the complements Mr. Yelich?" I jokingly ask him. I buckle my seatbelt as the car starts going towards the surprise restaurant.

"Maybe it's just the truth" He tells me not taking his eyes off the road. I smile at the complement.

"I hope you like steak"

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