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"Shit" I whispered under my breathe as I stepped into the warm coffee shop and out of the cold Milwaukee weather. For late April, 55 degrees was still cold to me.

I approached the counter with an older man behind in. He looked as though this little shop was his pride and joy. He could clearly be living his best life retired right now, but instead he was providing the best customer service I have come to face with in a while.

"What can I get you Miss" he kindly asked with a smile across his face.

"Just a large hot chocolate please." I responded giving a small smile back. This week was rough. Five exams, four papers, and it was only Thursday. I needed to write another  semester paper tonight that was due tomorrow. The previous days consisted of studying and the other three papers.

"On second thought can I make that a caramel coffee please." I felt bad for changing the order as the frail old man was ringing up the hot chocolate. He just smiled.

"Of course dear. $4.38. You aren't from here are you" he asked as she got out her wallet to pay the man what she owed him. This made me smile. I didn't mind his inquisitiveness.

"No sir I'm not. I'm up here for school." I answered him as he walked away to make my  drink.

"Out of all places you chose Wisconsin. I traveled a bit in my day and I've seen some great places. This place isn't one." He laughed. I smiled as I walked to put my backpack down at a two person table in the corner of she shop that was close enough to plugs in my laptop when the battery was low, but also next to the window.

"Yes sir, it was one of the best programs for me to choose. But I am in total agreement with you on that. The colder weather isn't for me."

April back home consisted of the pecan trees blooming, hot and sunny days, crawfish boils and good times spent with family. God I would give anything for a trip back home. To taste food with flavor again would be a dream.

I made my way back up to the counter to collect my drink. It was going to be a long night and I need every ounce of energy and motivation I could get.

I told the man thank you as I accepted my warm beverage and went back to my table to begin my long night work. Until I got into college I hated hot coffee. I hated the way it would always burn my tongue. Now it never even hurt when I took the first sip.

I opened my laptop and got out all my notes from my class. My semester paper was a big part of my final grade. This was it before I could get my masters degree. My degree and graduation was right around the corner. This paper was the only thing that was in my way and I was determined to get it out.


It was now about 10:30 at night. I was only about half way through my paper and on my third coffee. My legs were propped up on the chair across from me as I tried to make myself more comfortable. It was just me in the little shop and a younger lady who took the older mans place. It was nights like that I was thankful that this small shop about 5 block north of Miller Park was open 24 hours. Traffic got a little busy earlier due to the game coming to an end about 30 minutes ago but now the streets were quiet.

Unexpectedly the bell above the door chimes as someone walks in. This attracts my attention as a tall boy enters in a Brewers hoodie with the hood up and a pair of gray sweatpants. He was well built. An athlete. I turned my attention back to my paper. It wasn't going to write itself. He turns to survey the shop and his eyes land on me before he continues towards the counter to order.

"Hot chocolate please" he says. Some how his voice sounded familiar. But I didn't know from where. I turn my notebook to another page full of unorganized notes from classes where you could tell my hand couldn't keep up with some of the words coming out of the professor's mouth. Gosh I need to work on my handwriting.

I snuck a glance at the mysterious man by the counter. He was now looking at something on his phone. I would be lying to myself if I said he wasn't cute. Gray sweatpants always had an affect on me. That or my lack of sleep. He seemed polite. He said thank you when he got his drink. Manners weren't as common here as there were back home. He took a seat at the table parallel from mine in a seat that faced mine.

I took another look at him hoping that I could identify the person opposite of me. It was then that he looked up at me and made eye contact and smiled.

I knew exactly who this was.

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