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Plane rides usually made me dizzy. The transition from being in the air to back to the ground always threw me off. I did however manage to get the majority of my work done.

When we landed in Pittsburg everyone went straight to the hotel. You could tell everyone was starting to feel the results of flying. The plan was to let everyone get settled before we went to the field. The guys could get some batting practice in while media set our things up for tomorrow.

I got into my room and threw my bag on the bed before throwing myself on it too. The quiet didn't last too long though because my phone chimes with a text.

What room are you staying in??

425. Why??

Unlock the connecting door

I stare at my phone for a moment before realizing why he had told me to do such a thing. I got up and unlocked it before going back to my bed. The door soon opened to reveal Christian on the other side.

"What are the odds" I say before going to my suitcase and picking out something to change into.

"What are the odds of what" he says smirking as he sits on my bed.

"What are the odds that you talked to Craig and got us connecting room?" I turn to face him and shooting in a look with a smirk. I grab my makeup bag and head into my bathroom.

"I didn't do anything" he says from my bed. Honestly, I didn't mind the fact that our rooms connected. It was like one of our many sleep overs, except in a new place. At first I wasn't the most comfortable with staying in my own room by myself. It had just been one of those things and I had watched too much Criminal Minds. However, Christian was never going to know that I enjoyed being here with him.

I hear my bed creek telling me that Christian has just gotten up. It wasn't long before he was standing at the door frame.  I started doing some eye shadow as Christian watched me.

"Do we have to go to the field?" He ask

"Yes Christian. You have a series to win" I turn around and tell him. I finish my eyes and plug in my straightener to fix my hair. I go to shut the bathroom door so I could change and Christian gives me a look but I continue anyways

"Maybe I don't want to. Maybe I want to lay around the hotel or go swimming or something" He says through the door. I take off my clothes and start to put on what I had picked out, which was a yellow shirt and some jeans.

"We can do that when we get back. I didn't bring a swimsuit." I tell him as I open the door back and he resumes his normal spot by the door. I quickly run through my hair with my straightener before unplugging it.

"Just goes skinny dipping" He says. I shoot him a dirty look as I got to start packing my laptop and other things I may need.

"Yeah because that's going to happen" I tell him. I look at the clock on the bed side table and realized we need to be downstairs in 15 minutes. I rush Christian back to his room so he can change and do what he needs to while I go downstairs. Being late was never a good thing and I was always early.

The rest of the guys and media team came downstairs and we were soon off to the stadium. It wasn't too bad of a drive and we managed to get there with good lighting to take some pictures prior to the game tomorrow. I spotted Joesph and asked if he needed help with anything. He showed me where all we would be staying for the game tomorrow. We checked the angles for the camera and did other small, tedious things before we sat down and started watching batting practice.

"So I heard that Wisconsin loves you" Joesph tells me. I smile as. Christian steps up to bat.

"Well not without your help of course" I tell him. I take out my phone and snap a quick picture of the stadium to post on my instagram.

"You did that all on your own. I just hold the camera" he says. Christian hits a ball deep into the outfield. I smile at what Joesph said and it still feels weird that so many people actually like me. It was honestly never really expected when I came to Wisconsin. "So what's going on between you and the MVP?"

"We are just friends" I assure him. Somehow that comment got me thinking. Were we just friends? It's was safer for me to say that we were friends than getting excited about a possible relationship that was only one sided.

The remainder of the boys' practice went by fairly smoothly. The usually friendly competition took place among the boys of who could hit the farthest. Today, the winner was Lorenzo.

We all got on the bus headed back to the hotel. Thankfully the ride was short because everyone on the team needed a shower. Food was set up in one of the convention rooms of the hotel. I swung by and picked up a few things while the majority of the boys went to shower. After grabbing my to go plate, I headed back up to my room to relax some. I honestly couldn't wait to see Christian. The few hours we were separated somehow felt like forever.

I clicked on the tv and scanned through some of the local channels to see what was on. Even before I could get settled, a knock came from the thin door connecting two rooms. I got up and opened in for the person who consumed most of my thoughts these days.

"Please tell me you have showered" I asked him. You could tell he was exhausted. His shoulders were a little more slumped and his reaction time was slower. A smile forms on Christians face when he sees me. In return I smile too.

"Of course. And I have food. Can I hang out in here?" He ask me. I nod and open the door further so he can get it. He goes and sits on my bed and opens his food. I take a spot next to him.

"Mo" Christian says. I look at him letting him know he has my attention. " I want to be more than friends."

His words stop me in my tracks. Of course that's all I have wanted for a while now. I feel empty when I'm not with him. The memories I have of him are now some of my favorite. "I do too."

"Mo I'm crazy about you. The day I saw you in that coffee shop I knew that there was something about you that drew me in. You are all I can think about when we are apart. Mo, I want there to be an us. I want a relationship with you. It's is going to sound really cliquey, but will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't let him get anymore words out before I kissed him. It felt different that any of the other kisses we may have shared. This one felt full. This one had meaning

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