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The second I got home I plopped on my bed after taking my heels off. I closed my eyes and just let out the breath I had been holding the whole day. I laid there a few more seconds before I got up and went to my bathroom to turn on my shower. Luckily, I hadn't gotten undressed yet because there was a knock at my door. I groaned and we to go get it.

"You never miss a beat do you?" I ask the mvp standing at my door with enough snacks to feed an army.

"Nope." He says as he makes his way into my house.

"How far behind me were you?" I ask him given the fact that I hadn't been home five minutes.

"Four cars but I stopped at the store around the corner." He tells me, setting down the snacks on my kitchen table.

"Okay well I was about to take a shower if that's okay. I'll be fast. I just wanted to get the sweat and dirt and makeup off." I tell him.

"Go ahead. I got mind mid interview." He says as he shoots me a look. I laugh at the memory before going to get clothes out of my room before taking a shower. The bathroom had two entrances, one from my room and one from the main living space. I locked the door to the main living space and didn't bother with the one to my room. I got in and quickly washed all of me. I didn't bother shaving my legs because I had done it the day before. I got out and wrapped my body in a towel and dried off. I unlocked the door and saw Christian looking for something in my room.

"Ummm whatcha doin?" I ask him as I subconsciously pull my towel a little tighter.

"Oh my gosh. I am so sorry. I was looking for scissors and I thought- ya know I'll go look in the kitchen" he says as he leaves the room and shuts the door. Still in shock I go over and lock my door before getting dressed in an old hoodie and shorts. I grab the pair of scissors and the now clean hoodie Christian let me borrow. I walk out to find Christian trying to open some of the snacks.

"Here's those scissors and your hoodie." I tell him getting his attention.

"Thanks. Look I'm really sorry about that. I can be kinda dumb sometimes and I shouldn't have done that Mo. I'm really sorry" he tells me.

"It's fine Yeli. I'm sure it's not the first time you've seen a girl in a towel." I laugh as I walk over to grab some of the popcorn Christian brought and put it in the microwave. I put the timer on and turned back to him.

"You had a good game today" I tell him as I lean against the counter.

"Yeah it was great until somebody didn't give away that I was going to be drenched in Gatorade" He tells me as the starts to get some of the candy situated.

"Well now Cain and Braun like me more than you" I tell him matter of factly. The statement wasn't true but he didn't need to know that.

"I seriously doubt that. Im the one they dumped Gatorade on remember"he says.

"Yeah because the interviewer usually doesn't get Gatorade dumped on them remember?" I tell him. The timer for the popcorn goes off and I open the microwave back up. I get on my tip toes to get a bowl out of the cabinet.

"Wanna bet" Christian says as he comes behind me, pressing me against the counter with my back to him as the grabs the bowl for the popcorn. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like the position we were in right now.

"Umm- I-I don't know" I respond. Way to go Morgan. Just tell him how you really feel why don't ya. He chuckles a little bit before walking away and going into the living room.

"Come on we got movies to watch" He says. I blink myself back into reality and put the popcorn in the bowl before going to meet Christian. When I walk in the already has a dvd in the DVD player and a package of sweat tart ropes open. I grab a blanket to throw over my legs and set the popcorn in my lap.

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