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"So what are the odds that I get to go down the slide?" I ask Christian. I wasn't expecting to be able to go down the slide. You have to be really special to be able to go down the slide and I knew that.

"Do it. But you know that's for when we score home runs right? I wouldn't want you to jinx anything." Christian laughed. I gave the slide a good look, debating if I wanted to go down it and risk jinxing the game. It was just a slide right. Before Christian really noticed I had sat down on the slide.

"Maybe if you went with me, it won't jinx and it maybe you will hit a homer." I teased him. You could see him thinking about it. The look on his face showed that he really debated it. Finally he moved from his spot leaning against the rail and came to sit behind me.

"If we lose and the curse of Morgan comes down on us, it's all your fault." He says as he scoots up behind me so we can go down the slide together.

"I'm okay with that" I tell him as I push off the side of the slide so we could go down. Startled by the sudden move, Christian was quick to wrap around and grab me, but not before we went down the slide. His arms were wrapped around me as though we were on a motorcycle and I was the one driving.

We were quick to land at the bottom with a bit of a thud. We sat there for a moment before laughing at the thing we just did that thousands of children are dying to do. We sat there laughing for a bit before Christian chose to get up.

"That better not have jinxed us. Otherwise you might have to walk home." He said in a joking, yet serious, tone.

"It might have the opposite effect actually. Maybe y'all will win or even better" I told him. He looked at me with a smirk on his face, then just shook his head.

"What" I asked him.


"Well you have to been thinking something. Usually people don't just look at somebody, shake their head and smirk." I told him

"Maybe it's because I think it's weird how you talk" he responds.

"What's that supposed to mean Yelich?"

"It means you say things like 'y'all' and sometimes you say words with and accent." He answered.

"I hope you mean that in a nice way or I'll walk myself home" I told him with a hint of playful annoyance.

"I do" he said. He glanced down at the watch on his wrist before looking back at me.

"I'm afraid we are going to have to wrap up our little tour. I'll take you to your seat then I'll have to go down to the clubhouse and get ready. We might be able to look at a few more things after the game if you really want to." He tells me. I smile at the gesture. There was something about this kid that drew me in like a moth to light. I couldn't figure out what that was.

"I'd like that." I tell smiling as we walk away from the slide and down closer to the field where I would be sitting. As we walked I couldn't help but notice some of the pictures on the walls. One particular stood out to me.

"Hey I know him" I state. Christian looks down at me then to the picture I had pointed out on the wall.

"You know Ben Sheets?" He ask me almost in awe.

"Yeah I went to school with his son for a while. We graduated together. Ben was always around working with the baseball team. They donated big money to the school." I tell him. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you serious?" He ask me still a little in shock.

"Positive. He was pretty cool but also kinda hard on his son sometimes. I went to the football field once to do something and they were there pitching for some reason and we was fussing at Seaver for not pitching fast enough." I tell him. He was never a celebrity around us. He was just Ben Sheets, Seaver's dad.

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