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Needless to say I didn't talk to Christian much after that. I figured that we were just friends, but I didn't want people to assume things. I didn't really know what his intentions were. I didn't know if he wanted to get with me, or have a fling, or cheat on the girl he was seen with. I didn't really know what to do.

I had felt horrible all day. I woke up throwing up and I couldn't eat anything. All I really wanted was soup and I couldn't get that.As I sat in living room watching Netflix, all I could think about was Christian. Some how , this guy that I had met in the middle of finals week had taken over my life. He became one of my closest friends. I didn't know what to do. As if he knew I was thinking about him, my phone went off and Christian's name was on my screen.

I don't know why you aren't talking to me, but I'm on my way over. I need my friend back. I'm about 20 minutes out so this is your warning.

I rolled my eyes not responding. Maybe if I pretended that I was asleep he wouldn't bother me and eventually leave. Deep down I knew I would never get away with that. Today was the day Christian was supposed to be coming back from another out of town series. They won the last one and just won another. I haven't seen or talked to him in about a week 1/2. I didn't even tell him how my interview went.

Maybe pretending to be asleep was my best bet. It sounded like a plan to me. I pulled my blanket further over me and buried my face into the pillow. Truth is, I've barely slept since I saw the pictures. The idea of him with someone else was killing me.

I soon found myself starting to fall asleep. Unfortunately, all semi-good things have to come to an end. I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Christian. I pulled my blanket tighter to me and closed my eyes. There was knocking again.

"Mo I know you are home. I saw your car down there and I can hear the tv playing". Was the volume up that loud? I hear fidgeting outside the door before I hear the deadbolt unlock and the door open. Note to self- move the spare key.

"Mo?" Christian calls out. I remain as still as possible keeping up my act. I hear footsteps coming my way. Just keep up the act Morgan.

I soon sense a presence right next to me. Don't open your eyes. Don't open your eyes. I hear Christian make somewhat of a chuckle of a noise before I feel a kiss on my forehead. Did he just-

I couldn't keep up my act any longer after that. I started acting like I was waking up. I stretched and rubbed my eyes before looking at Christian.

"How did you get in?" I asked him. He laughs a little bit.

"You need to get a potted plant or something so you don't have to hide your spare key under the mat. It's kinda obvious." I roll my eyes at him.

"Sorry not all of us have massive front porches with endless possibilities to hide the spare key for our voice activated locks."

"Mo what's gotten into you?" He ask somewhat harshly. It was that moment where I felt another wave of vomit ready fo be set free. Covering my mouth, I rushed to the bathroom. I didn't even turn on the light or pull back my hair. I just needed to vomit. Christian must have followed me because the light soon came on and I felt my hair being pulled back. A soothing hand was then placed on my back and rubbing it. I flushed the toilet and got up to rinse my mouth out and brush my teeth. I barely had the energy to move, so Christian had to help me up from the toilet. We walked back into the living room.

"How long have you been sick?" Christian ask me.

"Since this morning" I shrug.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"How am I supposed to when I can't keep anything down? I'm out of soup and I don't have the energy to go get some." I tell him. He instantly gets up and goes to grab his keys.

"What kind of soup do you want?"

"Just chicken noodle. My wallet I'm in my purse on the bench by the door." I tell him. He walks straight out the door without grabbing my purse. I might be mad at him, but I'm thankful.

Christian returns not too much later with bags from the grocery store and one from Panera Bread. He sets them on the table before going into the kitchen and getting a bowl down. He takes a container out of the bag and pours the contents into the bowl and grabs the piece of bread that goes with it.

"Sit up please Mo. Be careful. This is hot." Christian says as the sets the food in my lap. My stomach starts the grumble for the first time in a good way today. I start eating and start to relax as I am finally putting food back in my stomach. "I also know how you like one of the salads, so I got you it for later if you got hungry again. I also grabbed more soup from the store."

"Christian you didn't have to do any of this. How much do I owe you?"

"Not a dime. You need to be spending money on clothes for that new job of yours"

"C, I haven't gotten it yet. I just had the interview"I tell him. As soon as the words slip out of my mouth, my phone starts ringing. I shoot him a look before answering.


"Hi is this Morgan Russet?"

"This is she"

" Hi Morgan. My name is Emily from Fox Sports Wisconsin. I was calling to offer you the position of field sportscaster with the Milwaukee Brewers."

"Are you serious? I would love to accept it"

"Well congratulations. If it is possible, we would like you to attend the game this Saturday against the Chicago Cubs and shadow Sophia. After that, we would like for you to start the game where the Brewers take on the White Sox's."

"Of course I can do that. Thank you so much!"

"Of course dear. We will be sending you essentially a handbook of everything you need know in your email. We look forward to having you on our team."

"Thank you so much"

"Have a good rest of your day. Bye"


I set my phone down and look at Christian who is already smiling.

"You has something to do with this didn't you?" I ask him with the straightest face I could manage given the news I just received.

"No you did that on your own. I just had faith in you."He told me.

"Well thanks C"

I finished up my soup and started to feel better. Christian finished up his food as well and we just sat there watching Netflix. I knew the conversation that needed to be had, but I didn't want to. It needed to be done one way or another.

"Hey C"

"Yes Mo" Christian looks at me. I grab the remote and pause the Tv.

"I saw something on the internet the other day and it's kind of been bothering me" I start. Christian gives me a weird look before I continue. "It was a picture of you and another girl. I didn't know who she was or anything and I don't want it to seem like I'm jealous. I didn't know if she was like a girlfriend or somethin-"

"Mo, that's my cousin" he laughs. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks and I started looking down and fidgeting with my hands. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be. It was an honest mistake. The internet has its ways of twisting things how they want it to look. Don't worry about it." He tells me. I just kinda nod my head and bite my lip still looking down. We were just friend right?

"So do you want to watch a movie or something?" I ask him.

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